
30 Day Weight Loss Challenge – Results

Disclosure: Megan’s weight loss program was gifted, however, her weight loss journey is her own!

30 Day Results: 11.2 pounds; 17 inches


I think when you get to be a certain size, you just stop looking at yourself.  I mean really, really looking at yourself.  If I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I would turn away quickly.  Every picture I saw of myself, I discarded and hid from the shame that was overwhelming.  This is how I have been living for the past seven years.  Avoiding life and hating the self I saw. 


When I stepped on the scale this morning on day 30, I cried.  Not a pretty, screen actress cry but an ugly, curled up in a ball cry.  I NEVER thought I had the stones to stick to a weight loss plan, having failed miserably at every thing I attempted in the past.  I think I failed because I didn’t believe in myself and I didn’t have the support I needed.  I always had an excuse, “Oh, I will probably have another baby.” “I just had a baby, the weight will come off.” “Everyone puts on weight in a relationship. It’s happy fat.” I was NOT happy being fat.

As of this morning I am down 11.2 pounds and have lost over 17 inches! The results are amazing and I feel amazing.  It’s almost too good to be true because I think I look better than I actually do, but the I now feel confident about reaching my 30 pound then 60 pound goal. 


GI Issues Gone

One of the most freeing things is my GI issues. Having been diagnosed with Celiac disease, I have never had a day without the experience of a tummy ache or a bathroom issue.  I went to the doctor monthly and took pain medication.  Since starting my weight loss challenge, I have not had a single stomach ache and that feels healthy.  I am not drained from being in pain.  I also feel confident that I can leave the house without having to search for the nearest restroom.

Eye Lashes

I have eye lashes! Totally random, but I can actually wear mascara.  I think the vitamins are making my hair grow. Being Italian I shaved a lot to begin with, but it’s at a whole new level now (good thing it’s winter and pants weather).  Surprisingly enough my eye lashes have grown as well. 

Healthy Eating

Every dinner I plan now is from the Weight Watchers cook book or website.  They are filling, healthy and under 600 calories (most around 400). I feel good after getting the nutrients I need but I also know my kids are getting at least one great meal a day.

Planned Cheat Meals

One of the biggest reasons I am so excited about my results is they are realistic. I have had ice cream, pizza, and Mexican food during this past month.  The difference is I planned out my cheat meals. When my husband surprised us with a trip to Culver’s, I kindly drove everyone but passed on the indulgence.  It wasn’t planned, but I won’t say it wasn’t tempting (and kind of mean of my husband).

Increased Energy; Improved Mood

I have energy and I’m happy.  My mood has improved and I started to have the self confidence I have been lacking for years.  I don’t cope with food, but maybe a bike ride instead.  The small changes I am making in my life have led to 11 pounds and 17 inches shed but the FREEDOM is the most fulfilling.

More Sex

So one unintended side effect, is my husband is seeing me slim down and thinks I’m getting even hotter.  Let’s face it. My hubby loves me no matter what, but the changes in my body and mood leave him wanting more whoopie. This may or may not be a benefit to you 🙂


A goal that I never intended to have is incorporating exercise into my routine.  I HATE sweating and feeling out of breathe so I have started with a walk or bike ride every day.  Soon I plan to increase to Zumba.  Do you have any simple, fun exercise suggestions for me?

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life

If has been a very emotional month for me but I am so PROUD of myself for sticking to it.  I haven’t succeeded at a goal in so long I forgot how awesome it feels.  I plan to continue my weight loss journey and strive to reach my goals.  Thank you for supporting me throughout my journey.  You’re encouragement has kept me motivated when I have wanted to quit and I am forever grateful for the emails and comments left.  Keep them coming because this journey is far from over!


Read my 30 Day journey from the beginning: Weight Loss Day 1 // Hitting the Wall // Remaking My Self

If you are part of my weight loss family, order your Strive 4 Change Necklace here.


Or order your Strive 4 Change Women’s Tee here.







Megan has contributed 51 articles on https://www.noguiltmom.com since July 10, 2014.

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  1. This is beautiful Megan! Thank you for inspiring us all and leading by example! This is really amazing and I’m so proud of you!

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