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5 Fun Toddler Toys

I received free products in order to host the Bright Starts sponsored Play Date.  The opinions expressed here are my own. 

Stumped on what to get the little ones this holiday?  These five baby and toddler toys from Bright Starts will have your toddler laughing, giggling and entertained! 5-fun-toys-toddlerDisclosure (3) I never know what my son will like.  He might see a toy that he loves in the store and then I find it stashed in the corner days later.  Forgotten.  Collecting dust.  Poor, poor, sad toy.

How do you know what kids will like?  What they’ll play with and what they won’t let go of?  Bring in the baby testers!

I am so thankful to Bright Starts for sending me these toys.  Bright Starts toys focus on learning as a part of play.  Not just learning letters and numbers, but also learning cause & effect, motor skills, and movement.  Each toy lists the skills kids will learn by playing with it right on the box.

For this baby play date,  I invited four of my mommy friends over.  I’m not one to differentiate between mommy friends and other friends, but this group I need to call Mommy friends because we met each other as we were becoming mommies – in childbirth class.  

Over two years ago, we sat on the floor next to our husbands and learned about natural childbirth. We didn’t bond in the actual class, but instead weeks later as we met up in Paradise Bakery, nursing our newborns and chatting with the only other people who could understand what life was currently like.

Now, three of these lovely women have newborns once again.  It’s a perfect playdate.  We sit back, eat snacks and let the toddlers run amok.  I received the following toys in my play date kit.  Here is the what the toddlers thought: 

Spin & Giggle Puppy

Spin-Giggle-Puppy-Toddler-Toys Every single child wanted time with this Spin & Giggle Puppy.  This was the favorite! Bright lights and fun songs kept them entertained. But the best, was the spin.   Put 3 balls inside, press a button and the puppy will spin the balls out.


Totally mesmerizing and fun. Giggle-monkey-toddler-toys

Learn & Giggle Fish

Learn-giggle-fish This Learn & Giggle Fish has two modes: One for learning letters, shapes and numbers and another to play and dance to music.  Toddlers love pushing buttons!  Yes? 

They loved the music and the lights!  I’m sure many of them would love to steal this from a younger sibling or cousin. 



These little balls, Giggables, giggle as they roll across the floor.  They work best on a hard surface.  Their roll pattern was unpredictable causing the kids to chase after them and laugh.

Bunch of Balls

bunch-balls-toddler-toy Normally, I look at plastic balls and think, what can you do with these?  But toddlers know what to do with balls!

This pack of Bunch of Balls were another hit of the play date.  The kids threw these across the room, rolled them along the floor and had a blast.  They also tried piling all of them in the Spin & Giggle Puppy.balls-spinning-monkey-toddler-toys

Bright Starts Learn & Giggle Activity StationBright-Starts-Learn-Giggle-Activity-Station

So many doors to open, buttons to press, lights and sounds!  The toddlers loved examining this activity station.  The storybook interacts with each window pane- causing lights and flashes with each turn of the page.  

Our little ones loved all five of these toys.  We, as moms, got time to talk and our toddlers were entertained.  Really, the perfect play date. 

I received free products in order to host the Bright Starts sponsored Play Date.  The opinions expressed here are my own. 

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