Podcast Episode 104: Yes! You Can Do What Scares You with Sara Dean
Raise your hand if you regularly do what scares you. Not so sure? Let’s try this one: raise your hand if you felt totally unprepared for motherhood. Theeeere we go. Every single one of us was scared to bring that little bundle home. TBH, we’re still scared each and every day! For some reason the universe entrusted us to be parents with pretty much zero training. Now we’re having to figure out how to parent, and how to navigate our jobs, health and relationships at the same time. Most of us are just winging it and hoping for the best. Fingers crossed!
For some moms, that fear – of the unknown, of failing, of being too much – can be crippling. But it doesn’t have to be. Not only can fear be overcome, it can actually be a motivator. Just take it from our super inspiring guest this week, Sara Dean of The Shameless Mom Academy. Sara is a mindset, business and leadership coach who’s biggest passion is helping women own their space – reminding us that perfect sucks, self-care is a basic human need, and connection with like-minded women will change your life. Check out the podcast to hear more from Sara including how we can all overcome our fear to do BIG, amazing things!

In this episode of the No Guilt Mom podcast you’ll learn:
- That not all women fall blissfully in sync with motherhood the instant their child arrives
- How not feeling like yourself or fully satisfied after becoming a mom is common and nothing to be ashamed of (the motherhood identity crisis is real!)
- Three common reasons women and moms fear their own growth and how to overcome them
- Why you should stop editing yourself and go all in on who you really are
Resources we shared in this episode:
Happy Parent Checklist – This FREE checklist courtesy of No Guilt Mom gives you the step-by-step plan you need to delegate more to your family, fight the overwhelm, and strengthen your relationships, all with a focus on taking care of you.
The Shameless Mom Academy with Sara Dean – Motherhood is a challenge. Being shameless is required if you want to build a life and a legacy you love. The Shameless Mom Academy is here to give you the tools to bridge the gap between motherhood and living the life of your dreams.
The Purpose Driven Mom Show Podcast with Cara Harvey – The Purpose Driven Mom Show is for all moms – stay-at-home moms, work-at-home moms, and working-outside-the-house moms! The goal is to help you find systems and routines to manage your home, go after your goals, feel less stressed, and have more joy in your home and parenting!
No Guilt Mom YouTube Channel – Check us out on YouTube and subscribe to be notified every time we add new videos for parents and kids!

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