
Podcast Episode 279: Why Do We Have Holes in Our Undies Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

JoAnn Crohn: It’s hard when like you already feel that you aren’t allowed to spend the time on yourself. And then someone who you love and adore comes in and says, yeah, we don’t spend enough time together. And you’re like, oh crap. There I am. It’s my feeling. 

Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I’m your host, JoAnn Crohn, joined here by the lovely Brie Tucker.

Brie Tucker: Why? Hello. Hello, everybody. How are you?

JoAnn Crohn: We are talking about things that you may need to replace for yourself today. This comes after, actually I started with discussions from someone on our team, Christina, and she brought it up how Like she always buys brand name stuff for her kids. And yet she’s like rocking the drugstore makeup. And when we were talking about that at a team meeting, I’m like, Christina, I have a task for you.

You need to go buy yourself a Mac lipstick. Like you got to go buy it, Christina. I don’t know if she’s done that yet though, but it made me wonder how many other moms do this? Like I do it for sure.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, the thing that I, I don’t necessarily buy name brand stuff for my kids, but I am definitely the queen of, I have holes in my stuff, but if my kid’s stuff gets messed up, they get new ones. But I just deal with the holes.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. You just deal with it. I don’t know where that comes from either. Cause I’d have that too. Like I’ll have holes in my socks for the longest time and they’ll be so ugly. And yet I keep putting them in the hamper and they keep coming out and I’m like, I’ll wear the sock again.

That’s totally fine.

Brie Tucker: I, holes in the socks, underwear falling apart. Um, I’ve had like, where like, yeah, holes in my shoes. And I still will just keep rocking that stuff and, or holes in my shirts too, like I’m really, yeah, in general, I guess I just kind of, it’s like, you know what, I’ve been seeing a lot of things on either Instagram or TikTok lately, I’m not sure which one, where it’s like behind every well put together teen is a mom who looks like she’s homeless and disheveled, like that’s me. Yeah, I’m all like, now that I think about it, that’s a good description.

JoAnn Crohn: I think we both may need to do some work in this. So in this episode, we have some tips for you on how you can start small because we don’t especially like mean for this to be a big project because nothing works when you go at it big. Just some little small steps you could take to get you out of this mindset of not ever buying stuff for yourself and yet always buying stuff for your kids.

So with that, let’s get on with the show. So I was thinking about this because I have bras where they’re, I was wearing this bra yesterday and it’s the only bra I could wear that was white and had like thin straps all the way down. Cause some bras I have, which look really, really cute.

They’re like lacy all the way up. and you can’t wear those with like jumpsuits or like spaghetti straps.

Brie Tucker: basically, you can’t wear them in a Phoenix summer. Because yeah, we’re, we’re going for as little clothing as possible because people, today is 113. We’re breaking a,

JoAnn Crohn: it’s crazy

Brie Tucker: record today.

JoAnn Crohn: Yet. I was thinking today, like I was outside and I’m like, this is okay. I’m fine, you know? But you know where I’m a baby. I’m a baby. When I get in humidity, I’m like, how could anyone work in this? How could you move? I can’t do it any longer. that’s where I get it. But like dry heat, I’m like, bring it on. Like I am fine.

Brie Tucker: I am such a child about, about the heat, but you know that,

JoAnn Crohn: yeah,

Brie Tucker: hate, I hate the summers here. I cannot wait to leave the desert. One of these days, I will.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. But I, so I had this bra and like. The bra is actually discolored. Like it’s supposed to be white. It’s like maybe a shade of blue because it’s gotten washed with some laundry that it shouldn’t have been.

Brie Tucker: Or maybe worn with a new shirt. I hate it when that happens.

JoAnn Crohn: yeah. And it has holes in it. Cause it’s a lace bra in the back and there’s holes in it.

And yet. I still keep it and put it on all the time. And I’m like, why am I doing this? Like I, it’s not that we have a lack of funds. I could buy myself a new bra. Why is it still here? And yet every time my kids need something like just this morning, my son, I don’t feel is drinking enough water.

And I’m like, let’s get you a water bottle to make sure that you drink enough water. And automatically that water bottle is on its way to its house. I made that happen. It’s just as easy to make a bra happen. Have I done it? No.

Brie Tucker: No, no. And let me ask, is a piece of that guilt of like, Oh, I shouldn’t be spending money on myself. Oh, I really, do I really need this? Like we could use the money on. And like you said, it’s not for a lack of funds because there’s a difference when you’re in and I, and I understand it. And I think you do too.

Like we understand. Survival mode, like I got to pay these bills. I got to have money for groceries. I don’t have money to go buy a new bra or new shoes today, but there’s a difference between that and oh, but if I use the money to have us all go out to dinner, it’d be so much more fun or to all go to the movies as opposed to getting me, you know, functional shoes

JoAnn Crohn: I don’t even, like, think that way with I don’t know what the thing is. Some of it is the time involved. Like it’s a time sync thing for me. And I feel like my time could be better used doing other things rather than buying myself a bra apparently. I don’t know. Like, I don’t know how that logic goes in my head.

Brie Tucker: see that. There are plenty of things that I won’t do because I don’t want to have to get up and go somewhere, but if I can get it on Amazon. Yeah, I’m real big on that these days.

JoAnn Crohn: But even like, so I would just got my hair done and I need more, styling stuff like for the roots. Cause like, it’s all about the product when you have pretty hair. it’s not about like your hair just dried naturally this way. No, there’s a ton of product in my hair. and so I got this stuff for the roots and.

I was like, I really want this other stuff she used. I’m like, Oh, but do I really need it? JoAnn? Aren’t you being wasteful? Aren’t you like spending money on things you don’t need? there are other causes that you could donate to and how dare you get something for your hair rather than contributing to people who need it more.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, Bob, go shove it. That sounds like a Bob thought to me.

JoAnn Crohn: It is a bop thought, but it’s like, it’s so complicated. These issues of money, because I don’t know, like how money was treated in your house growing up. But I mean, I wasn’t allowed any brand name stuff ever.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, I think we had similar upbringings. I, I’ve shared the stories of my, uh, midnight madness shopping, where my mom would get us, like, we would go to the mall at like 1130 p. m. for the sale that happened twice a year at the Jones store called Midnight Madness. And

that was the only time I was allowed to get like department store clothing.

Everything else was like Kmart.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. Okay.

Brie Tucker: was our thing. We loved Kmart.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, we did too. Kmart. Kmart target was more expensive. Okay.

Brie Tucker: We didn’t have Target. There was a Walmart. I can’t remember if we went to Walmart. I distinctly remember getting clothes from Kmart, Sears, and Sears, even though it was at the mall, wasn’t really a mall place. And I, yeah, like I see on our, in our Facebook group, Liz is saying Mervyn’s. Yeah, we didn’t

JoAnn Crohn: Mervin’s. Oh, Mervin’s all the time.

Brie Tucker: I think Mervyn’s is an, is like owned by the same company as the Jones store possibly, because I get the same vibes whenever I would go in.

Mervyn’s isn’t around anymore, is it?

JoAnn Crohn: Nope. It’s not around

Brie Tucker: Montgomery Ward.

JoAnn Crohn: Montgomery

Brie Tucker: one. We would go to Montgomery Wards. We’d go to the JCPenney outlet, which was a state away. It was in Kansas. But we would, my mom would drive us out there before she would let us buy anything

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, we did VF Factory Outlet in Tucson, Arizona. It was Vanity Fair Factory Outlet. Like, shop there. I could never find clothes that fit. Like I could not I couldn’t do anything. and it’s so funny because like looking back on childhood, all of those cheap places that we went to, and I mean it was out of necessity, but it’s also like none of those clothes fit a body other than like a stick thin body.

I could never find clothes that fit me well. Like they were either way too short, like high waters for all of the pants because I’m a tall girl. Um, and. Like they don’t really have very many tall sizes or like they’re made for a stick thin person. I am not a stick thin person. I have hips. I have like everything.

And so like, I don’t know. It’s just made me really cognizant of like how I should be shopping. Like I, and maybe this, okay. So we’re going deep. Ready? Ready to dig the hole? We’re going to dig the hole. We’re going to dig the

Brie Tucker: let’s dig the hole.

JoAnn Crohn: Because all of these, stores, like Montgomery Wards and Mervin’s, at the time, we’re talking 90s, they catered to a very specific body type.

And so every time I went in there, I felt I was lacking. And the problem was me, and that I had to, Lose weight so that I could fit into clothing, clothing that wasn’t even designed for my body. stores are much better about that now. They’re much more inclusive. I mean, you walk into target and you’re like, Whoa, that’s not a stick thin Mannequin right there. That’s pretty awesome. But then, then I mean, I could tie all my clothes shopping. I think to body image issues I have or had, I feel like I’ve gotten through them a lot today. But. That could be another reason why if you’re not buying yourself clothes, I mean, you found the one piece of clothing that you like and that fits and why get rid of that and have to go on a search for this other piece of clothing that may not fit as well.


Brie Tucker: I think for me, legitimately part of it is, and see, and I’m gonna say something negative about myself, the laziness of it, of the whole, like, like you said, I gotta get together, I gotta like find time and I gotta go. And then that means I gotta spend money and like I have no problem, no problem dropping.

money for going out doing a family excursion. That’s totally fine. But like, and, uh, and I see Liz, she’s like, Amazon makes it so easy. And you’re right. Even on Amazon, because I could buy it little by little. And I don’t even realize how much I’m spending all at once. But that is how they get you. It’s

tricky little suckers,

JoAnn Crohn: Yep. That’s how they get you. Well, we have some tips for you on how you can get out of this, , tips that I am using in my life and will hopefully help you as well. And we’ll get into those right after this.

So, let’s get into these tips about how we can get out of this mindset for never spending money on ourselves, never getting things for ourselves, and we’re going to do it little by little. So, the first thing is just to start small. Real small because you cannot go from never spending money to yourself to buying like a Gucci purse and making it feel okay.

Like it’s an impossible thing to do. Like you will always feel like you’re going to throw up for spending that amount of money on yourself. and It’s funny because I always look at my husband when I think of these things about spending money on yourself because he has no Problem man has no problem spending money on himself He like watches these watch videos on YouTube for how they like take apart Watches and put together the watches and then he went and bought himself a very big very expensive watch.

Like no issue. And he’s like, I love my watch. And he wears it all the time. And he has like a thing on his desk that actually keeps it like tuned and rotate. Like it keeps rotating the watch because if you keep rotating the watch, it won’t lose time for some reason. I don’t know. It just looks like a fancy thingamabob on his desk, but man has no problem spending money on himself. And I don’t have that.

Brie Tucker: I would say, Yeah, yeah, like my, both my ex husband and my current husband have no problem spending money on something that they actually want, like there’s no guilt tied to that. So I don’t, and I, is it a girl thing? Is it that we were like, told that we didn’t have like the, I mean, I do know that from my first marriage, my ex, Earned like two, three times as much as I did.

And so if there was anything that I wanted, I pretty much had to ask him for it because, yeah, my money went to daycare and bills, but, and I definitely, it was given the message that I had to ask for it, that it was his money and that I wasn’t worthy of it. So it’s really weird when my husband, yeah.

Right. And so it was like really weird. My husband now is like. Well, if you want it, go and get it. Like it’s crazy. I will still, and I, and I’m laughing about it because you know, my husband’s so well, you know, Miguel. And I’ll be like, Oh, my purse is falling apart. Like literally like the straps are falling apart and I’ll be like, Oh, I need to get a new purse.

If I don’t really want to. And he’s like, uh, why not? You need a new purse. Your purse is falling apart. And I’m like, but no, like that’s our money. We should be spending on other things. And he’s like, what else would we be spending it on?

JoAnn Crohn: Yes, like

Brie Tucker: that, then we’ll get that. He’s like, many days a week do you use a purse?

And I’m like, every day. And he’s like, sounds to me like it’s kind of a necessity.

And it’s crazy. Like, right. When, When, someone says that to you, sometimes you feel like you’re crazy. Yeah. It’s that, it’s that money fear that we have going on. That just, Oh,

JoAnn Crohn: that many fear and like I would even say it’s because like I feel like I don’t deserve it And I almost have to work myself up to deserving bigger and bigger things Like obviously my husband thinks he deserves this watch , and I am worth the same as my husband, but I, I don’t, there’s like a big block and that is why you got to start real, real small.

And so there’s a clothing brand online. It’s called MeUndies. Have you heard of MeUndies? Have I talked about MeUndies?

Brie Tucker: Me undies like M

JoAnn Crohn: Me undies. Yeah, like M E undies.

Brie Tucker: don’t think so. Let’s talk. Let’s

JoAnn Crohn: they are the, they are the softest underwear. Like it’s the only underwear I want to wear and they’re not that expensive. It’s like 14 a pair, maybe like 14 to 20 a pair.

But anyways, like the last time I ordered from them, like we lived in a different house and that, that was my underwear supply there. Like two, three years old, my underwear was. but me and he’s really held up for that. It was, they’re good. They’re so good. And they’re so soft. So I finally, I finally put in a me on disorder.

and when they came and I’m like wearing them and, uh, they’re just amazingly, amazingly comfortable and you forget the little bit of like. stress and agony that not having something good on your body, like contributes to the whole body budget thing. Because as soon as like you get the new stuff on and you’re so comfy, you’re like, Oh, that was like some stressors that I didn’t even know were affecting me.

And yet now I feel real great.

Brie Tucker: do know I feel like that when I feel confident in clothing. So like, you know, I’ve been going through the lovely, premenopausal stuff lately. And. I’ve had a lot of like weight fluctuations and it’s not even like the normal weight fluctuations with me, which is where like the pounds just add on their, they’re adding on in weird spots.

So they didn’t use to add on at. So all of a sudden now, like shorts that I used to have won’t fit. And I’m like, oh, and I hate shorts more than anything. Cause I

JoAnn Crohn: I hate shorts. They’re horrible. They’re

Brie Tucker: right. I can’t. And like I had just said, like Phoenix, and that’s probably why I hate Phoenix so much because I’ve never been a big fan of shorts and you have no choice living out here from May to November.

You’re wearing shorts like you’re just, you have to, So anyway, like I, at the whole point in the story was my daughter wanted to go shopping there a day before we left to go on vacation. We ended up at Marshall’s and I convinced myself I was worthy of a 10 pair of shorts. And I felt so good on vacation with my new shorts that actually fit me and didn’t have like a big three inch gap on the back where you could see my underwear or where it was too tight and it was cutting into my thighs.

Like I, I was so happy. And then like you said, like I had a lot more, I just had a lot more relaxation and patience and ability to handle things because I felt good.

JoAnn Crohn: It wears on you. It totally wears on you. I would say you’re definitely worth more than a 10 pair of shorts, but it’s only like you start small.

Brie Tucker: Start small.

JoAnn Crohn: Next time we’re going to go for maybe a 20 pair of shorts,

Brie Tucker: Well, actually it sounds like you and I need to go bra shopping, honestly. Cause mine are pretty old too.

JoAnn Crohn: have an online shop. I really, really love. and that’s like the ultimate of laziness.

but they fit me real well. They fit me real well.

Third love.

Brie Tucker: Oh, I’ve heard of that one. We talked before, like how I used to love going to Nordstrom’s and do their shopping because like, especially for bras, cause you could go in and they would just. You tell them what you want and they shop it for you and

JoAnn Crohn: They do.

Brie Tucker: you. It was like, so amazing.

But now there’s like, they closed the one by us and now I have to drive a whole 25 minutes to another, and that’s so far away.

JoAnn Crohn: It is really far away. It is. It is really far away. So that’s the first tip is to stay Start small. The second tip is to start with something that needs upgrading, which really goes into the whole bra situation there.

Brie Tucker: Okay. I

JoAnn Crohn: If you find that you have an item of clothing that is really not serving you, maybe you’re a different style.

Size now, I mean, this is really the hardest thing, especially with clothing because like, I don’t want to ever admit I’m a different size. Like I’ll admit I’m a smaller size, but getting myself to admit that I’m a bigger size to myself is very difficult. And

Brie Tucker: Yeah, I get really crazy when people are like, , how does that not fit you anymore? You’re like, well, I bought it four years ago. Does nobody change in size but me? I’m

JoAnn Crohn: yeah, yeah,

Brie Tucker: wear elastic

JoAnn Crohn: no, I mean, everyone changes in

Brie Tucker: waistbands for the rest of my life. I would prefer to have some stuff that’s fitted.

JoAnn Crohn: I, I loved our interview with Amanda Tice, who’s the curves model because she normalized like all of this stuff because she’s gorgeous. And yet she’s like, yeah, I used to be like an eight now I’m like a 14 and, and yet she’s getting paid to model. Like clothing and like her body is really celebrated.

And I’m like, that would be such a great frame of mind to switch to, to think your body is worth celebrating at all sizes. And it is, it’s just me. Transitioning to that way of thinking is the hard thing right now because I’ve gained like. I think I’ve gained 10 pounds now, but I’ve also like, there were some habits I had going.

I was very stressed out the first part of this year. And I realized

Brie Tucker: You don’t

JoAnn Crohn: I’m like, I’m calming down a little bit. I’m doing some restorative yoga, doing yin yoga, resting and relaxing versus pushing and pushing. and I’m finding that like, I’m feeling a lot better. I’m not having headaches anymore.

Surprise, surprise. And my clothes are actually fitting looser, but I will not get back on that stupid. Scale. It just makes me feel bad.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, yeah. , 100%. Like, it’s, it’s ridiculous how much our I want to come back to saying like that self worth, like how much we have to justify that we are worth an equal part in our family.

That everybody else has. Like, I mean, heck, I will go to the store and I will buy my dog, fancy dog treats, but I will not let myself buy the brand name Oreos.

No, no.

JoAnn Crohn: It’s true. I will get fancy antlers for Addie and she, and like, I’ll be so happy seeing her chew out her fancy antler. But I, I will buy myself nothing, nothing. It’s not even if I buy a generic version, it is nothing. And then like, it’s all that deprivation, deprivation, deprivation. And then I buy myself something completely ridiculous because that’s how, you know, the brain works.

If you deprive it.

Brie Tucker: what would be completely ridiculous of your example? Give me an example.

JoAnn Crohn: a 25,

000 mastermind.

Brie Tucker: Okay, well, no! No, was business related.

JoAnn Crohn: business related. No, I, I mean, by ridiculous, I just mean like, instead of like buying little treats for myself, I’ll be like, let’s go out to Froyo every night this week. Cause I haven’t given myself anything,

you know, and I

don’t even like Froyo that much. Like, I always feel so bad. sick after eating it, and yet, I go and buy it because I didn’t have something better around the house

Brie Tucker: guess that’s kind of me with coffee lately. I’ve been doing like, I’ve been like, cause I wasn’t letting myself go and get coffees and I’m like, this is freaking ridiculous. I work from home. There is no reason that I can’t go and get a coffee. But yet I had told myself like, no, no, no, no, you can’t go get a coffee.

You’re too busy. You got a million other things to do. And it’s like, it’s a, I live with 10 coffee shops that are all

JoAnn Crohn: You do! You have a lot

Brie Tucker: I

JoAnn Crohn: your house.

Brie Tucker: know, I know. And I just sit there and I’m all like, but it comes back to that same thought process that like, I’m not worthy of it,

JoAnn Crohn: not worthy of

Brie Tucker: but yeah, yeah.

JoAnn Crohn: The

Brie Tucker: been helping me work on it.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, and it’s the time thing too. I think the time thing bothers each of us And we have one more tip for you and we’re gonna get into it right after this.

So, originally, when I wrote these tips, I was thinking it was a money issue. But from talking with you more and, like, talking myself, I think I’ve been able to actually like weed out what it is with me. And it seems to be more of a time issue than a money issue.

Just the feeling like I don’t have, I don’t want to spend the time trying to find something for myself. Like I don’t feel like I’m worth the time. I

feel like my energy is given better to other people. So it’s not a money issue. It’s a time issue

and how I’m thinking about time.

Brie Tucker: Yeah, but it sounds like it comes back to that underlining factor, like what you said. I’m not worthy of the time.

JoAnn Crohn: I’m not worthy of


Brie Tucker: money. I’m not worthy of the time. I’m not worthy of.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah,

Brie Tucker: I don’t want to say anything because we know that we are worthy. We do know that we are worth things, but it’s so easy to go into that martyr thought process of


I’ll just sacrifice it all and that’ll make me a better person and it don’t work that way. You still have holes in your panties.

JoAnn Crohn: well, it’s so, it’s so difficult in terms of time and in terms of time to yourself because like every single message you get, it feels like you should be spending time with others, even though you devote your entire life to others and when you want to spend time you with yourself, everyone gets like totally up in arms and I don’t even think they realize they’re doing it.

So like, by the way, third tip, Was to change what you’re saying to yourself. and I’d originally written that, you know, you, you stop thinking of money, like you’re not worth it, but more money being a tool, like it’s not something you earn or deserve. It’s something that you use as a tool. If you have it, it’s a tool, like a screwdriver or a hammer.

and thinking about it that way. However, with the time thing, like there was something that happened with me where like my husband and I, you know, go out to lunch every Wednesday. And this last lunch, he’s like, we don’t spend enough time together. And automatically I thought it was my fault.

I was like, yeah, I was like, oh, this is my fault.

He’s like, yeah, like, well, he mentioned, he’s like, oh, when you come home, you know, you go and like off to your bedroom to read. And I’m like, yeah, cause you get home at 7 30 at night. I’ve had like the kids all day and like everything. And he’s like, well, I don’t have this. So I don’t have the solution, but it’s a problem.

And I’m like, I wouldn’t even say it’s a problem, but I would say it’s like, yeah, It’s just hard. It’s hard when like you already feel that you aren’t allowed to spend the time on yourself. And then someone who you love and adore comes in and says, yeah, we don’t spend enough time together. And you’re like, oh crap.

There I am. It’s my


Brie Tucker: the Okay, right, and let me make this crystal clear, because every single one of us have been there. You have had a long, busy day and like, so yours was an example of your husband, but what about when your kids do that to you? You were just like, it’s been a long day. We have played together plenty.

I had a long day at work. I cooked dinner and it’s, we’ve done bath. It’s time for bed. And we read your book and your kid is like, can I just get one more story? I feel like I never get time with you. And then you’re like, great, I’m the worst parent in the whole wide world. I do suck. And no, you don’t suck.

You don’t suck.

JoAnn Crohn: No,

Brie Tucker: oh, you were so worthy that time.

JoAnn Crohn: it’s so

Brie Tucker: I want to cry.

JoAnn Crohn: it’s like, I know

Brie Tucker: making me emotional right now. I don’t normally get all emotional about this, but it’s making me want to cry.

JoAnn Crohn: but because I think it hits it like a core issue in terms of women’s time, , people want all this time with us. We give all the time to other people and look, you’re making me cry. You’re making me cry. Now that you see it.

Brie Tucker: say, you look like you’re getting ready to cry too. My gosh, people need to be watching this.

JoAnn Crohn: I’m taking it back, but like, it is such a core message that happens.

And I think it’s why so many women are hesitant to spend any time doing something for themselves is because everybody comes back at them as like, we’re not spending enough time together. And I like. I, I don’t know, like, do I say that to other people? I don’t think I do. I think I’m very, like, aware of not ever trying to place the blame on others that it’s not enough time.

I would say something like, hey, I love you, and let’s think of something to do together. Or let’s, like, plan this. Or, you know, we need, like, we do this all the time in our group of friends. We need a girl’s night. When is everyone free? And that’s a thing to be like, okay, yeah, there is an issue there.

We don’t get enough time together, but it’s no one’s fault. Let’s just put it on the calendar. It’s logistics. Right. but I think that when some people come to us, it’s a matter of the way that we’re approached. , and us always being problem solvers, women in general. We want to solve the issue for them.

And so they’re like, yeah, I don’t spend enough time with you. And so what do we do? Okay. Let’s find something to do together. Let’s go and see all these things. Okay. You, you, we want to do this thing. Okay. I’ll go make the reservations. I’ll go do the thing and we’ll make it happen. But it’s like, why is that our job?

Why do people just get to come to us with problems? And we put all the solutions on the table and make their lives completely easy for them.

Brie Tucker: I don’t know, man. It’s

JoAnn Crohn: I know!

Brie Tucker: us, but I don’t, but I don’t want to say it’s bred into us because if I say that, then it turns into something bigger that we have less control over. So like, There, there are things we can do. You can, so like, actually, you know what? I’m going to start this out with like, I’m playing out a challenge there to everybody listening to this episode.

I want you to go into your room, your space somewhere. And I want you to find something that is worn down, broken in need of repair. That is just for you that you have been putting off for whatever the reason. whatever the reason. And I challenge you to, to look at it and tell yourself I’m worth more than this.

I’m worth, I’m worth more than holy panties. I’m worth

JoAnn Crohn: And you’re worth

Brie Tucker: than torn


JoAnn Crohn: Now I’m thinking of like the pope. The pope and the holy panties. I’m sorry. Holy.

Brie Tucker: Is there a Pope and Holy? Okay,

JoAnn Crohn: H O L Y. I heard holy.

Brie Tucker: True, I can’t get that. I’m all

JoAnn Crohn: It’s the holy panties.

Brie Tucker: I miss something one time? I mean, I know I’m not Catholic, but okay.

JoAnn Crohn: Okay, let me go off in the left field a little bit, um, because we’ve been watching Jetlag, which is a great show on YouTube. Great to watch as a family. Highly recommend. but they’re doing Jetlag Australia right now. And one of the challenges was to identify Australian slang. Australian slang for a speedo, you know, a guy’s speedo.

Do you want to hear what it is? No! It’s called a budgie smuggler. I can’t get over it! Budgie. Smuggler. It’s so funny!

Brie Tucker: is a nickname for something.

I’m gonna, ow. I would’ve thought like a banana hammock. But, uh.

JoAnn Crohn: That’s kind of what we called it in swim team. I felt so bad for the guys. Every time on swim team, like I thought I was like self conscious wearing my speedo swimsuit. And then the guys had to come out and like nothing, guys, it’s pretty

Brie Tucker: goodness gracious. Oh my God.

JoAnn Crohn: Fudgie Smuggler. And we got off. You said holy panties and automatically I’m in undergarment land again. There it

Brie Tucker: Well, I was going to say I could see where we got there. I could see how we got there for sure.

JoAnn Crohn: Yes. But we want to let you know that you are worth the time, you are worth the money, you are worth the energy. Take Brie’s challenge, go find something that needs replacing. I’m going to be replacing a bra, evidently, because that’s really what needs replacing. And remember, the best mom is a happy mom.

Take care of you. We’ll talk to you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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