All You Need To Know About Your Tween

Tweens are hard. They are navigating a world between childhood and those pre-adulthood years (the dreaded teens!). Yikes! Middle School isn’t really a place that many of us would be excited to go back to anytime soon either!
But good news!
We have help! Phyllis Fagell talks to us on the podcast about the 10 key skills your tween needs to THRIVE, and how parents can help!
READ: The simple change you can make to connect with your tween
Phyllis Fagell is a licensed clinical professional counselor, a certified professional school counselor, and a journalist. She is the author of Middle School Matters: The 10 Key Skills Kids Need to Thrive in Middle School and Beyond — and how Parents Can Help, a journalist, and a frequent contributor to The Washington Post‘s “On Parenting” column. She is a full-time school counselor in a K-8 who is trying to change the way we think about, counsel, educate, and raise middle schoolers.
READ: Four Steps to Deal with your Tween’s Next Mood Swing
Resources We Shared:
Parenting In Place Masterclass
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