
Podcast Episode 88: Second Child Thoughts: What Changes When 1 Becomes 2 with Lynn Berger
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Podcast Episode 88: Second Child Thoughts: What Changes When 1 Becomes 2 with Lynn Berger

So many moms worry about whether or not we are giving enough attention to our kids, especially when they outnumber you! We feel guilty for spending what may seem like a lot of time with one child and not enough with the other.
Are we really giving some of our kids (often the younger ones) the raw end of the deal? Nope, we’re doing our best.

Podcast Episode 73: 4 Ways to Tackle an Upper Limit Problem You Probably Didn’t Know You Had
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Podcast Episode 73: 4 Ways to Tackle an Upper Limit Problem You Probably Didn’t Know You Had

Do you ever feel guilty when things are going good for you? Do you engage in negative self-talk? Have you ever thought that you just might be self-sabotaging good things in your life?
If so, you are not alone. And, according to Gay Hendricks, you may have what he calls an “upper limit problem.” Here’s 4 ways you can kick it to the curb.

How to go from Overwhelmed to In Control
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How to go from Overwhelmed to In Control

As moms, we have a lot on our plate that can make us feel overwhelmed. Cara Harvey, a productivity coach tells us about her favorite hacks that help her feel more in control of things and the pitfalls of the “Stop and Drop” that so many of us do! She believes that all of us can find whatever it is that we need to go from feeling overwhelmed to in control!