
Having a hard day as a mom? Here’s a little lift and inspiration for your parenting.

Podcast Episode 131: How to Get What You Really Want
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Podcast Episode 131: How to Get What You Really Want

Do you shy away from asking for things that you want because you’re afraid that it will be viewed as selfish? Many of us feel guilty and don’t ask for things that we really want (such as time away from the kids or even spending money on something that is just for us) because we are afraid that we are being so selfish. We will share with you on how to ask for what you really want.

Podcast Episode 119: Finding your Authentic Self with Ryan Haddon
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Podcast Episode 119: Finding your Authentic Self with Ryan Haddon

It can be hard finding your authentic self when we put so much energy into our family every day. It becomes so difficult to untangle where your identity ends and your identity as a parent begins (news flash- they are different)! We’re going to share 3 things you can do to have healthy boundaries with our kids and family and help you find your authentic self.

Podcast Episode 104: Yes! You Can Do What Scares You with Sara Dean
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Podcast Episode 104: Yes! You Can Do What Scares You with Sara Dean

Yes, you absolutely can do what scares you! As parents, we face fears everyday. For many moms, a common fear is growth – living bigger, rocking the boat, changing the status quo. Sara Dean of the Shameless Mom Academy joins us this week to share how we can overcome these fears to live bigger, bolder and braver.

Podcast Episode 101: How to Talk with Your Kids to Build Motivation
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Podcast Episode 101: How to Talk with Your Kids to Build Motivation

Struggling to motivate your kids? In this episode, we’re joined by William R. Stixrud, Ph.D. & Ned Johnson – the dynamic duo behind The Self-Driven Child and What Do You Say?: Talking with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home – to discuss how to talk with our kids to build motivation.

Podcast Episode 77: Mom Isn’t Your Only Identity
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Podcast Episode 77: Mom Isn’t Your Only Identity

Back in the times of B.C. (Before Children) moms had hobbies, interests, and a fully developed identity outside of being a mom. A hard mom truth is that many of us have slowly lost touch with that identity as our motherhood often took over the majority of our time.

But we’re here to tell you that Moms need their OWN thing (guilt-free)! They need to bring their own accomplishments that go beyond raising their family. Not only will it bring you happiness, but it will also bring you fulfillment. And we have 3 easy tips on how to start that journey back to finding your identity outside of being “mom”!

Podcast Episode 74: How to Find the Humor in Being a Mom
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Podcast Episode 74: How to Find the Humor in Being a Mom

Sometimes as a parent you just have to laugh. I mean, no one ever wants to believe that there will be a day where they are trying to figure out if that’s poop or chocolate on their shirt! But that’s a hard mom humor truth! And it’s why all moms need to laugh!
And boy will we have you rolling after this…

We discuss the importance of finding the humor in being a mom as well as what advice they have for moms struggling to get through the nitty gritty days in motherhood.

My Family Does Nothing To Help Around The House
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My Family Does Nothing To Help Around The House

Picture this.

You come home to dishes piled on the counter, your child’s clothes hamper overflowing with dirty clothes and the dog staring at you. telepathically trying to tell you she’s hungry.

No one else in your family seems to see it.

Your kids happily walk in after school, throw their stuff on the floor and think that the magical cleaning fairy somehow cleans it up.

Why can’t anyone in your family take the initiative to clean up but you?

I get that. I’ve felt that.

It’s not like you haven’t tried either. You’ve tried the pretty chore charts. You even offered to pay them!

But, nothing’s worked.

You may have been making the same mistake I was…

How To Overcome Mom Burnout

How To Overcome Mom Burnout

You’re sitting on your couch, playing on your smartphone and you just want to be left alone.

There might be a small amount of guilt lurking under the surface. But not much.

Your kids ask, “Can you play this game with me?”

Nope, not right now, you reply.

You’re burned out. Every bit of energy and motivation has left your body. It disintegrated with that last tantrum or vaporized after your tween daughter gave her characteristic shrug when you asked how her day was.

You’re done and frankly, don’t really see a point in this whole parenting thing anymore.

I see you. I’ve been there.

DO this One Thing to Stop Being an Angry Mom

DO this One Thing to Stop Being an Angry Mom

I slam my foot against the kitchen cabinet.

“Just stop it!” I yell, “Stop the fighting!”

My kids go quiet and stand frozen in the kitchen.

“I’m sorry Mama,” my five-year-old son tells me and immediately… I feel bad.

They’re just kids, they don’t deserve an angry mom.

And yet, I’m literally going out of my mind. I’m so exhausted and feel like I don’t even have the space to sort through my own thoughts.

Is this what motherhood is supposed to be like?

Nope. But, I’m making one critical mistake.

Could this be why you’re so frustrated as a mom?

Could this be why you’re so frustrated as a mom?

Do you feel like you’re too nice?

One of my students called me out for that my first year of teaching.

In her very astute, wise little fifth grade voice she told me, “Mrs. Crohn, you are too nice”

But wait… don’t you want to be nice? Isn’t that something to aim for?

Kind yes. But nice…nice is taking on the full responsibility of other people’s feelings and adapting your behavior to make others happy.

That’s what I was doing when an 11-year-old called me out.

Creating A Bare Bones Budget When You’re Not Making Much Money

Creating A Bare Bones Budget When You’re Not Making Much Money

In the midst of this strange season of social distancing and change, money may well be a scary topic for you. Maybe you’re like my family and you’re working through a big loss of income due to the pandemic? Maybe overwhelm and anxiety define your money situation in this season of uncertainty? Maybe you’ve decided to keep your head down and eyes closed, playing the “if I don’t look at it, then it can’t be real game” that our kids played when they were little?