Kids Activities

Need something easy and fun to do with your kids? These kids activities require very few supplies, make little mess and are fun for you and your kids!

Want more quality time with your kids?  Here are 30 days of simple ideas

Want more quality time with your kids? Here are 30 days of simple ideas

We all worry about whether we spend enough time with our kids.

On the phone with my mom one night, she said to me:

“You’re such a good mom. You spend so much time with your kids. I never did with that you.”

My mom worked as an administrative assistant at the hospital 4 miles down the road. Every night, she came home around 5:30pm, cooked dinner and then we all relaxed while watching Murphy Brown or Friends.

Truth is: I thought she spent enough time with me.

I felt pretty happy and content.

And frankly, I feel like a failure with this whole mom business.

The Simple Activity to Teach Social Skills that your kids will beg for
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The Simple Activity to Teach Social Skills that your kids will beg for

“No, sweetie, that hurts.”

My five-year-old son puts down the flashlight. His latest game involves shining the flashlight on opposite walls of our living room and having our very crazy pup chase it.

However, she gets a little too excited and ends up jumping on me – all sixty pounds of her.

At five, my son improves everyday at realizing that his actions have consequences.

He learned this by constantly making mistakes and getting corrected.

Stories are also a fantastic way to teach those skills.

Boo Bags:  An Awesome Halloween Tradition
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Boo Bags: An Awesome Halloween Tradition

Even though I’m 34, Halloween still turns me into a giddy little kid. Seeing the festivities through my kids eyes amps up my excitement even more! Right? Do you love going to the pumpkin farm? Carving Jack-o-lanterns?

There are so many fall activities and so much fun, where do you start?

How about at the beginning of October with an activity guaranteed to bring the whole neighborhood together?

Boo bags!

DIY Light Sabers

DIY Light Sabers

We want to have fun with our kids! However, when summer hits, so do the expenses. Kids activities are pricy, but entertainment doesn’t need to be expensive. During these Dollar Store Days of Summer, I’m sharing ten activities that use only supplies found at the Dollar Store. They are quick. They are easy. And most require little adult guidance and help. Just sit back and watch your kids play. Or.. jump in and join the fun!