Positive Discipline

Podcast #148: How to Get Out the Door in the Morning Without Losing Your Cool
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Podcast #148: How to Get Out the Door in the Morning Without Losing Your Cool

The struggle of getting out the door in the mornings on time is REAL! It feels like the kids are moving so slow, and then we can lose our cool and yell. We’ve ALL been there. And it’s not a proud moment. We can help you! Learn how you can repair things with your kids after yelling and what you can do in the future to avoid it in the future.

Podcast Episode #146: How to Parent Like a Spy with Christina Hillsberg
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Podcast Episode #146: How to Parent Like a Spy with Christina Hillsberg

Have you ever thought that being a parent should carry some training? How about spy training? I mean, who doesn’t want to learn how to parent like a spy? Meet Christina Hillsberg, former CIA agent and author who shares how her training as a spy has influenced her parenting with her 5 kids.

Podcast Episode #142: Helping Our Kids Find the Positive and Be More Grateful
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Podcast Episode #142: Helping Our Kids Find the Positive and Be More Grateful

Finding the positive and being more grateful is a skill and it can take time to learn. Especially with our kids. But we can teach them how to find the positive and be more grateful. We have in this podcast episode, we have 4 easy things you can do to help your kids be more grateful.

Podcast Episode 61: How Logical Consequences are More Effective Than Punishments at Home
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Podcast Episode 61: How Logical Consequences are More Effective Than Punishments at Home

Too often, we fall into the trap of punishing our kids in the heat of the moment after something’s happened. But that hardly ever works. Here, we’ll discuss the difference between logical consequences and punishments, as well as how to make effective logical consequences that will have a positive impact on your discipline at home.