7 Items that Will Change Your Home Life

I run from the word homemaker. I call myself a homemaking rebel.
Even though I shy away from the word, I know… I KNOW that having an organized home and life boosts my mental state in inconceivable ways.
Everything drives me a little crazier when there is clutter piled everywhere.
There are times when my kids need something… anything just to stop fighting with each other or getting in each other’s hair.
Oh and when I can’t find something, my entire body stiffens up.
Basically, lack of homemaking leads to serious stress. There has to be a middle ground and since I’m not naturally inclined to do it, I need all the hacks I can get.
That’s where this year’s Ultimate Homemaking Bundle comes in! It holds the best of the BEST hacks on organization, parenting, kitchen and overall home hacks.
Over 104 products for only $29.97.
Yes, I realize that’s a lot. However, if you only use a few, the value of the bundle soars over its $29.97 price tag.
Let me show you what I mean. I’ve picked the 7 products you need to try out immediately as soon as you purchase the bundle.
These are pretty spectacular, y’all.
1. Guilt-Free Guide to Summer by JoAnn Crohn

Do you feel stressed at the thought of having your kids off school ALL summer? This e-course, by yours truly, is your mindset shift. I walk you through creating a summer plan that both you and your kids are happy with – everything from a bucket list of activities to screen-time rules, to creating an easily accessible book of easy recipes that kids can do themselves.
You will actually look forward to summer break.
2. Get Organized HQ: 2018 Virtual Summit by Laura Smith

Ohhh… this is like opening up a treasure chest with so many goodies inside. In Organization HQ you get step-by-step strategies on how to declutter your closet, organize your home decor projects, how to eat better at home, making goals for couples and so much more.
3. Discipline That Makes a Difference: Effective Discipline and Behavior Modification to Support the Parent-Child Relationship by Shelley Jefsen

Shelley drills down to the cause of behavior problems in young children and helps you develop a plan to deal with them. Her time-out strategy is genius! She lays out an effective way to put kids in time out without getting emotional or second-guessing yourself.
4. Emotional Overload: 3 Steps To Fewer Tantrums, Greater Connections & More Cooperation by Rachel Norman

Does your child have an “emotional basement?” Actually, we all do! I love how Rachel explains this concept. When we don’t want to feel an emotion or don’t have time to deal with an emotion, we push it down into the basement. Eventually, the basement gets full and all the “stuff” starts coming up the stairs leading to an outburst.
Rachel then explains how to deal with these outbursts in a super effective way.
5. Homekeeping & Cleaning Kit by Clean Mama

The whole prospect of cleaning frankly overwhelms me. This makes it easy though. In here, you’ll find checklists that help you conquer just a little bit every day.
6. Christmas: Sorted! The Ultimate Planner & Support to Help you Enjoy Every Part of Christmas by Chrissy Halton
Why yes, it is May. But when you get this Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, it covers you for the entire year!

If you get super stressed out at Christmas like I do, Chrissy helps you get organized so that you can actually relax and yet get it all done. Keep this one for the holiday season.
7. 101 Screen-Free Ideas: Printable Activity Cards by Julie McCorkle

Next time your kids say they’re bored, hand them one of these activity cards with so many easy ideas that they can on their own. Stuff like build a race track out of painter’s tape and host a hula hoop contest.
The value of these 7 products alone adds up to $184.00. If you were to just use these 7, you would more than get the value from the bundle,
But there is so much more inside your bundle: 104 products worth $2,294.37.You would pretty much be set for gifts for the rest of the year.
The only caveat is that the bundle is only available until Monday, May 6th. If like me, you need as many homemaking hacks as possible, I suggest going to get it now.