Podcast Episode 001: Six Mindset Changes for a Happier Mom Life

Welcome to our inaugural podcast for No Guilt Mom! We’re so excited to have you joining us on this journey!
Let’s lay it all out on the table with our No Guilt Mom Mindset.
Download a copy of this, print it out, and post it somewhere that you’ll see it every day.
I want you to tell yourself these things EVERY day. Here we go:
ONE: Showing LOVE for my love does not mean doing everything.
Moms shouldn’t do everything for their kids.
Encouraging struggle and getting kids to do more on their own is a good thing!
We as moms, often take on a lot of preparation for our kids. We try to ensure they have everything they could possibly need. But then, we also take on all the blame when a ball drops. Let’s stop that.
TWO: My kids will learn through mistakes.
Kids don’t get what they want all the time and they will make mistakes. They’re going to fail.
We want them to experience disappointment at this age. When they’re young, when they’re still at home with us, we can help guide them through their mistakes and failures.
We’re allowed as parents to make mistakes, too. It’s important for our kids to see us accepting our mistakes, learning, and growing from them.
Read: When “I’m Sorry” Doesn’t Cut It – How to Teach Kids to Apologize
THREE: I’m allowed to say no.
You have the right to say no to others.
Having boundaries are healthy. We should not only have them with our family but with everyone in our life.
As women, sometimes we feel like we can’t say “no” to others in fear of being resented.
But that’s not true. It’s hard to say no, it’s hard to set those boundaries, but they’re definitely necessary.
FOUR: I don’t need to punish my kids to be a good parent.
Research shows that punishment doesn’t work. It’s reactionary.
To make a real difference you need to be proactive.
When we punish, it happens after the fact and often the punishment doesn’t directly correlate to the behavior or action that brought on the punishment.
Positive discipline encourages kids to think through problems and how to repair relationships through their actions.
Read: 6 Positive Discipline Steps That Will Change Your Child’s Behavior
FIVE: I need my own thing apart from being a mom.
Moms need their own thing. Period.
They need their own accomplishments that go beyond raising their family.
We’re not just moms, wives, partners, or even our profession. Being able to find our own identity will not only bring happiness but it also makes us more healthy, interesting people.
Read: For you, exhausted mama, who needs help with self-care
SIX: Everyone contributes to this family – not just me.
It’s not mom’s responsibility to make sure the house is spotless and dinner is on the table – it’s everyone’s.
We’re not saying that everybody has to equally divvy everything out. But is it fair or right for one person to take on all the responsibilities in the family?
One person to do all the
- cleaning,
- cooking,
- raising of the children,
- schooling,
- transportation?
No, it isn’t.
Download your own copy of the No Guilt Mom Mindset here.
Episode Transcript: Download the Episode transcript Here
Resources we mentioned:
Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live) by Eve Rodsky
The best mom is a happy mom. To better take care of you, download our Download the No Guilt Mom Mindset here . These reminders will help you second guess less, and feel more confidence every day in your parenting.

Check out our latest podcast episodes here:
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- Podcast Episode 354: Your House is Not a Democracy: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Collaboration and Boundaries (Part 2)
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- Podcast Episode 353: Your House is Not a Democracy: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Collaboration and Boundaries (Part 1)
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