
Feel Better Box

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When I am sick, I crave comfort.  A nice comfortable couch, a warm blanket and copious amounts of pain medication are usually what I need to feel better.  However, I do have my preferences for certain other products as well.  When I was younger, my mom used to make feel better with Ginger Ale.  I always remember that and I want to have some “feel better” stuff on hand for my kids as well as myself when illness strikes our home.  When I  or my family has a stuffed up nose, aches and fever, the last thing I want to do is run to the store.  So, in preparation for this cold and flu season, I’ve put together my very own “Feet Better Box.”  Here’s what I put in mine:



In my opinion, you can never have enough blankets when you are feeling rundown.  Mine bears the name of my hometown and fits perfectly in my kit.


I have to have the lemon-lime flavor.  This is perfect for stomach aches and when you can’t keep anything else down.  Always important to stay hydrated when you are sick.

Chicken Noodle Soup

Protein and veggies in a can.  Easy to prepare when all you do is hobble over to the microwave and pop something in. 


This is pure comfort for me.  I love Ramen noodles so much!  It reminds me of my parent’s home and college.  Both good memories.


When I’m sick and have to repeatedly blow my nose, I crave the lotion infused Kleenex.  Makes my nose happy.


Dry chapped lips are par for the course with a cold.  Mine like to crack right in the middle.  Sometimes a burning lip is so much worse than whatever ailment has befallen me and my family.

Kid’s Activities

Better to be prepared.  If I’m lying prone on the couch, my daughter needs something to hold her attention so that she isn’t asking me for something every five minutes.  She loves Hello Kitty so this Crayola Hello Kitty Coloring and Activity Pad with Markers works perfectly.


I always look to the thermometer to gauge the total extent of any illness.  No fever = rest and fluids.  Fever = Call the doctor and get seen.  This new Braun No Touch plus Forehead Thermometer is very cool! (Disclaimer:  I received the Braun nN Touch Forehead Thermometer free from Influenster for the purposes of review.  All opinions are my own.)  I can hold the thermometer 2 inches away from my kid’s heads and get an accurate reading.  I made a video to show you more of its awesome features.

















If you liked some of the items I included in my Feel Better box, we’ve included some of them below for easy shopping.

What do you put in your Feel Better Box?

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  1. We have one of these. Ours is stashed in one of the large plastic buckets you get from the hospital. (They’re perfect in case someone is vomiting.) I love being able to grab a bucket and be ready to go!

  2. This is a great idea! I think I may have to do this as I have 3 little ones and a husband who acts like a 4th child when he is sick ;).

  3. What a great idea! Makes me want to create a feel better box just for days when I’m feeling ‘blah’ in general 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Found your blog via the wonderful SITS community 🙂

      1. Probably some dark chocolate, a good book, a mini wine bottle, and maybe a scented candle to help me relax 🙂 I think I’ll have to try this out! Hahah 🙂

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