
Podcast Episode 335: Feeling ‘Blah’? Let’s Talk About What’s Really Going On (& how to make it better) Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

You know what? I don’t know about anybody else out there. We think that we’re not enough in many different ways. I’m not a good enough mom. I’m not a supportive enough mom. I’m not a good enough wife. Not a good enough dog owner. I’m not a good enough housekeeper. I’m not a good enough cook. We think that we’re not enough. I feel like we’re going through some collective stuff. 

Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I am your host, JoAnn Crohn, joined by the lovely Brie Tucker. Why, hello, hello everybody. How are you?

Guys, even if you’ve listened to episodes prior to this this year, this is the first episode we’re recording in 2025. So like, for that one. That’s my personal air horn. It’s like a big thing because I feel like, I mean, Bri, you’ve said this as well, that you really have to work to get excited for, I really have to work to get excited and optimistic about 2025. And I think that’s true for a lot of people right now.

I think it is. I have a theory, which was the inspiration behind this episode, but I feel like I talked to a lot of people. My bubble, we’re just like, I don’t know, I’m just not really excited about things. I don’t really have much motivation. I don’t really get what’s going on. And yeah, I feel like we’re going through some collective stuff. We have to work through that and to, I mean, I always think about it to prepare ourselves for.

what’s coming up and what’s coming up may be fantastic and what’s coming up may be hard and a struggle and we’re going to mentally prepare ourselves to get through it. And that’s what this episode today is meant to help you do, right, Bri? Yes, just everything that’s going on, just the turmoil throughout the world. It just makes me feel so uncertain of our future that it’s hard for me to be able to focus.

on the day to day life. feel with this though, and I hear that with this never before in our history have we had information available to us so readily from so many sources. So this kind of stuff has probably been going on from the beginning of time. We have just not been as aware of it, nor have had as many people commenting on it or making TikToks about it or influencing us every day of our life as we do right now.

But let’s get into it in this episode. So we’ve got some great tips for you. let’s get on with the show. 


Okay, guys. while preparing for this episode, and again, like we said, Joanne mentioned at the beginning, I’ve had this theory since Thanksgiving that we’re all collectively dealing with something. And Joanne and I have always been really open about our mental health and everything. And I have struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life since I was- a- Yeah, right? Since I was 13, I have been having struggles with all of this. And so-

I get really interested because you and I are the same Joanne in terms that I feel like a lot of times you and I deal with the high functioning side of it. When I read things online about high functioning anxiety or high functioning depression, I feel like it really well describes us because there’s this myth that if somebody is depressed, they don’t get out of bed, they can’t do anything, they stop eating. And I’m saying it’s a myth because having been through chronic depression and having been through really

dark times in my depression bouts where I couldn’t get out of bed, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t do anything. That’s not the same thing as what’s going on right now. I am feeling sad about things that are going on and I can’t shake this. Why am I not feeling motivated? Why am I feeling sad? Because like you said, my life isn’t that bad. It’s going pretty good. Here’s also the thing with high functioning and I think this is a really important point to make because it was just brought to my attention by my husband.

who is going through his whole journey right now about autism and high functioning autism in particular. High functioning just means that other people around you can’t see it happening, but you are still struggling on the inside. So like, I think high functioning, we think that they’re like, they’re able to like do the world, they’re able to do the things. Really, they’re still just struggling. Other people just can’t see it, it’s invisible. Exactly. That is a, that’s like, okay, so,

If you are listening this and you are as excited as I am and you’re like, exactly. my God, that resonates so strongly. Then yeah. And guess what? You’re not alone because the American Psychological Association, they have done a lot of research on this. And first of all, there is mounting evidence that at least in America, in the United States of America, that we are dealing with collective trauma from the last, you know,

JoAnn Crohn (05:24.942)

Five years. Yeah, right. I was going to say, how far back do I want to go? I’m going to say at least five years, if not a little more than that. to be the start of COVID. Got to be the start of COVID. If not before, yeah. Exactly. And then they also said that over 69 % of Americans felt significant stress going into November of 2024. And that’s where I got this thing where I’m like, my personal armchair diagnosis as we’re all dealing with

some degree of this high functioning depression. so I wanted to share some of the signs that you might be dealing with this. And again, nothing can replace going to the doctor, getting diagnosis, getting treatment. Treatment is great. to therapy. Yes. Both of us have been to therapy. We love it. Yes. Highly endorsed. Highly endorsed. But here are the signs that you might

be dealing with high up functioning depression. And you know how we are like after I tell you the signs, we’ve got tips on how to handle this. We’ve got tools, but one of them is isolating from friends and family. And that doesn’t mean never seeing them, but phone calls come in and you hit voicemail. The invites come in and you’re like, I think I’d rather just stay home. No longer finding joy in the activities you love. And Joanne’s heard me complain about this a lot.

That was me for a Christmas season. Christmas has always been this huge thing that brings me joy and lights me up. And this year, it was overwhelming. It was just, I want to do the bare minimum because I just don’t care this year as much. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that’s how I feel every year. I just feel overwhelmed. I know it’s a source of overwhelm. And so I try to put it in this little box and try to do what I can and get through it.

See, I love that. For me, it never was overwhelmed. This year was the first year I was like, this is too much. Persistently criticizing yourself, like, I don’t know, like thinking to yourself, I should do better. I should be better at this. I should do more. I should be more motivated. Or when you have those days where you’re like, I’m just going to stay home and chill. Dang it, I should have done X, Y, and Z instead. I suck. Like, right?

JoAnn Crohn (07:43.714)

We’ll talk about Bob a little bit later, but Bob is jerk. It’s not the word I wanted to use, but I’m trying to keep this clean. Well, the persistently criticizing yourself, that is something that has been, I feel like a personality trait of myself. It’s gotten better. has gotten better. both have it. lot of my work over the past few years, it has gotten better. It’s so that…

criticizing voice. And if you have that too, just know that it could go down instead of becoming this loud booming thing that you think it’s true. It’s this little nudging voice in the corner where you’re like, I’m going to ignore that and go through what I’m going to go through right now. Yeah. Yeah. here’s a big one. And Joanne’s going to laugh because it’s been a huge one for me. Frustration with small irritations or setbacks.

We’re laughing because the inside joke people is that like when Joanne has to tell me something, she’s like, okay, don’t want you to get upset. I love you. And like, I will lose my schiznit over little. I was so mad at an editing software on Friday. I was cussing up a store. Husband was upstairs a whole floor away from me and he’s like, are you okay? Yeah. I’m not going to deny that. Yeah. Yeah.

I don’t. You can tell when my depression or anxiety is getting worse because my ability to deal with frustration just goes out the window. I don’t have great frustration level tolerance to begin with. I have to work at it, but man, when I get really down, I cannot. It’s a hard one for me. It’s hard thing for everybody. think a lot of people get that. A lot of you, if you’re a mom right now who snaps at your kids, it’s

probably a symptom of low level depression or anxiety or high level depression or anxiety. Just know that you can’t talk yourself out of that one. Just know that it’s there. There are things you can do, but you can’t just say, shouldn’t do it. Because guess what? That’s criticizing yourself again. That’s going back to the one before, just FYI, in you didn’t see that one. Here’s one that I think a lot of us have. Turning to mindless habits for hours on end. Death scrolling anybody?

JoAnn Crohn (09:48.142)

I had to put a limit on my phone recently and it has helped. I’ve tapped out my social media, which does make it interesting though when your job is our job. Because social media, I don’t go on social media that often. It’s funny. I was talking to someone else. It was actually a Zach. Zach Watson? changed his name. Yes, but he changed his IG name and so I don’t know what it is now. It’s not real Think Zach Share anymore. Zach mental load coach. He’s in our Happy Mom Summit.

which we have every year. So you will see him in March if you come to that free event people. But anyways, I was talking to Zach, we were talking about Instagram and he’s like, yeah, don’t you scroll? Like, do you scroll social media? Like what’s popular? I’m like, I don’t scroll. I don’t scroll at all because I find it, I find it amps up my anxiety and my comparison. I’ll start scrolling and I’ll start looking at it like, I should be doing that. I should be doing that. I’m like, you know what? This isn’t good for me.

I’m just going to focus on creating, putting stuff out there, and then I’ll deal with things from there. What do I say? Deal with things from there. Guys, the comment section is really harsh on your brain if you are a sensitive soul. It’s really harsh. But anyways, we have some more signs coming up for you right after this break.

Okay. another is always feeling low in energy, you know, is another symptom of depression, anxiety. Bree is shaking her coffee right now at the mic, if you hear that. That is her coffee. But like, okay, so let’s talk about coffee for a second because coffee, I just enjoy the taste of it. It is almost like a drug. I sip it and I drink it black. know, Bree, I drink it black. I like the actual taste of the coffee. It calms me down the coffee in the morning.

But you and I drink coffee for different reasons. Like you just said, you enjoy it. you and our friend Jen are my coffee connoisseur friends that are all about coffee. And I feel so bad because you know that’s not me. Like I am creamer with a splash of coffee. And I do that because I need the caffeine because I am

JoAnn Crohn (12:02.286)

tired and low energy. So yeah, I drink coffee for a whole different reason. Now I like it. I am picky, but at the same time, whenever you’ve tried to drink my coffee, you’re like, my God. It’s like a liquid cookie. That’s a good description of it actually. a liquid cookie. It is. It’s like a liquid dessert is what I do. So yeah.

Being always feeling low in energy. I used to be able to drink just a small coffee. Now I drink two coffees every morning. It’s because of the low energy. I’m also dealing with the whole perimenopause thing. if you’re not going through that, if you don’t have a reason for the low energy, it just kind of seemed to pop out of nowhere, it could be part of this high functioning depression. Then the last sign I wanted to go over is managing your day-to-day tasks, but not feeling much about it.

feeling kind of like you’re a zombie, know, just doing it. yeah, I look at this list and this list so describes me from previous years. And I want to like say this to everyone listening, if this list describes you know that it doesn’t have to be this way. There is a lot of help through it. And I can tell you the tips that we’re going to give you. They help immensely and they’re absolutely necessary to help in your life.

I was diagnosed with severe anxiety by a mental health professional and I did get on medication and that medication has been like a godsend to me because it’s not like the magic cure, but it makes it so that these tips that we’re going to give you became accessible to me.

And that’s the best way I can describe it because I was trying to do all the things that we’re going to say to you. And if you’ve heard steps like this before and you’ve tried to do them before, just know that was me too. And until I got diagnosed and until I became treated, until I got treated for it, they didn’t do any good. I couldn’t access them. And now like my brain can access them and it’s just a world of difference, a world of difference. So I just want to put that out there. Mental health, it rocks. Go take care of yours. It’s amazing. Yes, it’s amazing.

JoAnn Crohn (14:17.6)

Now that we’ve told you the signs to look for, we have the tips to help right after this. So we talked a lot about the signs that you may be experiencing right now. And first and foremost, I don’t think that Bri and I can emphasize this one enough, but go see a doctor if you are feeling this way. Like I swear you are not imagining it and there is help out there for you to feel better and to enjoy your life. So please go see a doctor.

And if you’re seeing a doctor already and you’re still like, okay, I’m not so motivated. I still can need a little help. I want to improve. I want to grow. I want to be the one who changes our entire family dynamic by changing myself because that’s the only thing you have control over. Can’t change other people. Can only change yourself. This is what we have for you. So the first one, like something that we don’t do a lot is acknowledging your own feelings. my gosh, it’s mind blowing.

It is. Yes. Well, actually, and you were talking about this this morning. In our Balance VIP group, you do short chats in the mornings and today you were talking about that. What was it? Something like 90 seconds about- it only takes you 90 seconds to process an emotion if you allow yourself to do it. I need to find the study for that because I’ve seen it quoted many places. One of them is in Mel Robbins’ most recent book, The Let Them Theory, which is so good.

Props to you Mel Robbins come on our podcast. And it’s just 90 seconds to do to process a feeling. So acknowledging our own feelings is so important because a lot of times we just stuff them down and think we’re being silly or think we’re making too big a deal out of things. And I have to tell you, your emotions are absolutely valid.

They are. They are. And we have some tips on how to acknowledge those feelings. And also I had mentioned in our Balance VIP program, we help you with these things. So we have a workbook we do every month and it includes daily journaling, which a lot of people have some things about. mean, shout out to our friend Amanda in Balance. She does not like journaling.

JoAnn Crohn (16:31.606)

And I am with her there. didn’t like journaling a lot myself. What I find though, when you’re journaling, at least for me, it slows my mind down enough that I could actually start to process information. Because I have a very fast mind where I will make connections so fast and people will be like, wait, we’re just talking about this. Why are we talking about this now? And I’ll describe the three steps I took in the past like two seconds to get there. And so,

My brain just goes really, really fast and journaling helps slow it down. So if you have a brain like that, journaling is so awesome. Well, and I would also say that when it comes to any new habit, especially a therapeutic one, sometimes because it’s so different and it’s trying to get you to shift with some things, which we’ll talk about a little bit later here, a couple of steps down, it can be hard.

So just give yourself some time, give yourself a chance to get to it. But here’s why journaling helps with acknowledging your feelings. Sometimes we don’t even know how we feel. Like I said, right? Like back in February, the wrong direction, Bri, back in November of 2024, I was like, why am I feeling so ick? Like I couldn’t even think of another word other than ick. And I’m like, and it’s bigger than ick.

and don’t know what’s going on. I really had to sit and think about it. And journaling kind of helps you do that. You see what you’re saying, you write it down and then you’re like, okay, let’s think about this. Why am I feeling this way? What’s going on? So, and then sometimes you need the words. Sometimes we need the words on the feelings because our lives are more than just happy, mad, sad.

And journaling is also a way like I have found things that I am doing that have been not helpful to situation. So like I would start out a journal and I would be like really, really mad at my kids for doing something. Or for instance, you know, my daughter just got her driver’s license and this is a very new transition to me that I didn’t think would be so hard, but she isn’t coming home until like 11 at night. And I’m like, I can’t like settle down. I’m like, and I get so mad at her. I get so mad.

JoAnn Crohn (18:44.012)

because she’s not telling me where she is and she like, shouldn’t she be sensitive to my feelings and da da da da and all these things are going through my head. And when I start to journal, I’ll start with that and then I’ll start reminding myself, I’ll be like, wait a minute, like this is what I want her to do. I want her to be independent. I don’t want her to feel like she needs to control my emotions in any way. Yeah, like this is a situation where I am trying to control

another person and it is out of my control. And the goals I have for my daughter of her being emotionally resilient and not feeling beholden to me whatsoever, like this behavior would not meet those goals. And so I need to just be sad about this. As Brene Brown would say, I’m feeling very vulnerable right now. This is why I’m feeling this way. It’s nothing wrong. I’m just vulnerable.

And that could take me from anger to tears of just like grieving and sadness, which were the emotions the anger was covering up. And being able to experience the grieving and the sadness was what I needed to do versus get so angry. And so journaling helps me go through that process and figure out those things. We’ll be right back after this. And then number two, which goes right along with that is practicing self care.

So the journaling we talked about just now, and I’m going to say there is one prompt that we have in our journal that helps me out so much. What does my mind need to hear? And what my mind, what Bri’s mind needs to hear a lot. Well, actually, you know what? I’ve done well with this one. I’m moving on into a new one, I think. But what I needed to hear for a very long time, I want to say every day for a year, I had to keep telling myself, I am enough.

what I am is enough because I don’t know about anybody else out there. I’m willing to bet money. I’m not alone on this. We think that we’re not enough in many different ways. Like, I’m not a good enough mom. I’m not a supportive enough mom. I’m not a good enough wife. I’m not a good enough dog owner. I’m not a good enough housekeeper. I’m not a good enough cook. Like, yeah, yeah.

JoAnn Crohn (21:01.102)

the end, you know that too. Because we would have this conversation at work. I would be like, I can’t do that. I’m not really good at that. And you’d be like, you did a good job, right? So I’ve gotten to the point now where I have learned that I think people are happy with me. I am enough for the people in my life and that’s okay. Now I like, I don’t know what my mind needs to hear just yet. I just came to that realization in December that I finally feel like I’ve toppled that one. So now.

What does it need to hear this year? I’m not sure yet. Probably I can be happy again. I’ll be honest with you. That’s what my mind needs to hear. I can be happy again. I can do hard things. That’s a good thing to do. Yeah. I think what I’m concentrating my mind needs to hear is that I don’t have to prove myself. It’s funny. It was actually a tarot card reading in New Year’s. My sister-in-law is into tarot cards.

And so she did a reading for me and one of the cards like our discussion led to me like when the red light for my year is constantly needing to prove myself and I could show up. I see that show up in all of my interactions. Like all the times I’m not happy with how I presented myself or how I behaved. is always leaked back.

to me trying to prove myself in some way, either with some form of knowledge or with some form like I did that already or anything like that. Yeah. Another thing that helps too, I think, also just thinking about your wins. We call them wins. You can call them gratitudes. You could call them good things. You can call them roses, whatever you want to call them. But think about what are the things that went well?

And you might be like, okay, how is that practicing self care? That sounds more like practicing gratitude. Sometimes they are the same. Yes, exactly. I’m like, sometimes practicing gratitude is self care. It’s reminding yourself that good things did happen. And a lot of times you’re going to find that those wins, like they do involve you. Like you helped make that win happen. So yeah, you’re, you’re awesome. You’re amazing.

JoAnn Crohn (23:12.718)

And you know what else? We talk about this a lot too. Acknowledge that Bob is there and that Bob’s a freaking liar. Yeah, he is a liar. He’s just trying to keep you safe. He’s trying to make you sure you’re not hurt. But you get hurt by taking risks and risks are necessary to live a happy life because you will not grow without risks.

It’s where you say find your wins too, because I did this exercise at the beginning of the year where I looked at my calendar and I had a list like all of my wins that happened through the year. And I used the calendar to kind of jog my memory. And I started the activity and I was like, there’s not going to be anything here. Like I didn’t really do anything 2024. I filled up five pages, five pages. So I think like sometimes like our brains shut off the wins that we do make, because I swear you have them. You have so

many you’re not giving yourself credit for. Exactly. And I wanted to say for anyone who is joining us kind of new this year, Bob, Bob is that voice in your head that is telling you crappy things. We named him Bob because he reminds me in my head, he looks like the mucus from the mucus commercials. From the mucus commercials. From the, I forget the name of the medicine now. but the mucin X. Yes.

That was just a guess. was just a guess. He’s the gross blob that’s wearing a little torn take top and he’s got his hat and his cigar and that’s Bob in my head. Bob is this blob that’s just crappy. Everything’s negative to Bob. In my head, Bob is like a bald man with glasses and suspenders and a pocket protector.

And it’s like has a clipboard and he’s like, according to my calculations. That is one of my kid’s favorites. According to my calculations. I don’t know how they do it, but they say they have a voice. do with it too. I love that. I love that.

JoAnn Crohn (25:10.134)

Okay, number three, what is the third thing we can do this year? Boost your energy by moving your body. Move your body, find something that you love to move your body. And I like have a little story about this because I do like exercise, but like lately the past few months, like I have not wanted to do the exercises I usually do, like the Peloton things alone in my basement. That’s how I had been exercising. When I went to New York in November,

I went to live Peloton classes and I love talking with people and I love being around people and I’m like, dude, I need to like go back and like do some stuff with people. So I tried an activity that I’ve been wanting to try for a really long time, but I was a little scared of Pilates with the reformer, the reformer Pilates and I’m in love. I love it. I want to go every day. I just took a harder class yesterday and I was like, this isn’t hard. This is fun. Like it’s just fun.

What is Pilates with the reformer? What does that mean? So a reformer is like, it’s a machine. Think of it like a sled with cables on it. if you think of like school kind of Norda tracks or whatever, but you’re laying down, like that’s how the cables work. And you use the machine to add resistance to workouts. like you still work out your whole body, but it’s less hard on your body and you’re doing a lot of core work.

in it, but you get to pull yourself around with cables and strings and it’s just fun. Think of new ways to use that performer every single day. There is no workout that’s been the same. I would think that if you are someone who likes vestibular movement, that that would be a really good one. It’s a fun one. Because it slides you. So it’s giving you that vestibular movement. That’s awesome. That’s another thing. You’ve said this before and you know that it became my mantra.

it train for the life you want to have in terms of boosting your energy. Cause if you’re like Brie, so first of all, again, if you’re new, I am a like to sleep in love to be in my bed. Lazy days are my favorite and I bulk at the idea of exercise. I hate the idea of exercise, but I love

JoAnn Crohn (27:22.456)

going out and going to concert, going to music festivals. I love going to markets, like farmers markets. And I love doing our stand-up paddle boarding, kayaking. I like going on hikes in nature. I will not go up Camelback Mountain ever, ever, because I don’t want to climb a big rock out of nowhere. But give me lots of trees and waterfalls and I’m there. However, I have learned as I’ve gotten older and I…

dug my heels into this whole anti-exercise thing, doesn’t have the stamina to do the things that she enjoys as much anymore. I hate feeling tired. I hate feeling sore. I hate not having my enjoyment of the activity being cut short because I’m not in a good… I’m just not feeling… I’m feeling physically uncomfortable. Yeah, boosting those movements so that I can train for the life I want to have.

I love that idea. That makes me feel so much better than you need to exercise because it increases endorphins and it makes you feel better. I’m just doing that from the things you would hear when you’re in other scenarios. That’s what resonates for me. I love that idea. Go exercise to do that. It’s funny, ever since I started Pilates too, I have some shoulder tendonitis and I couldn’t move my arm much.

It has helped with that so much. My arm is moving because my back muscles are strengthening and my posture is so improving. I’m looking at myself walking through the house through this mirror and I’m like, I’m up straight. That’s amazing. I think it’s funny because I think that I was so worried about turning 40 because I was like,

Cause 40 was over the hill when we were little, right? Like that was like in the eighties and the nineties, 40 was over the hill. We all know now that collectively it’s not considered over the hill. Like 50 is the new 40, whatever. Right? Yeah. But I will say this, like when I turned 40, I was like, Oh, I turned 40. can still like, I, when I was 40, I would go to a concert and, and get home at like 2 a.m. and then get up at 6 a.m. and go kayaking. Like that was.

JoAnn Crohn (29:37.422)

fine, I could do that. I could do that now at 45. I couldn’t do that ever. Who knows? I mean, I sleep. put high priority on that sleep. But it’s crazy how like, so all I’m going to say is that you never know until it hits you how quickly your body gets stiff. so exercise and stretching even for 10 minutes a day, just do like a little yoga. It’s helpful. Which actually brings us into our last tip.

of starting with small changes, very small, doesn’t have to be huge. You can do little things. And one of the things that helps us with that, we’ve, well, not helps us, we’ve seen is really helpful in our Balanced VIP group. Like I was talking about our workbook we have every month with like just different things that we can do. We have a habit tracker and I love that our habit tracker only has three spots. There’s only three habits that we look into tackling a month. And to me,

Three doesn’t scare me. The ones that have like six, I’m like, holy crap. It’s a lot of opportunity for me to fail. is sometimes too much for me and I just do one. It’s all about what you need to focus on at that moment in time. Since we’re here in January, we have this mind body unicorn challenge going, which is tackling all three of the habits. The mind, which is the journaling we talked about. The body, which is just 10 minutes more movement than you’re doing currently.

And then the unicorn, is finding your fun thing because so many of us moms don’t do that fun thing. We put it off and we think we have other things we have to do. So finding something that you enjoy doing, it’s not bubble baths. No, it’s not self hygiene. Hygiene is not self care. Self care shouldn’t be something that you have to do extra to put on your plate either. Self care is something that actually rejuvenates you. So if you feel like in your life you don’t have enough space for that,

That’s okay. means that, you know, tackle that journaling first, tackle that little bit of movement, find out what’s really going on in your head. Because once you find that out, then you can work towards these other things. Because if we’re saying like, go do something fun for yourself, and you’re like, I just can’t, I’m too overwhelmed. Concentrate just on the journaling. Try to find out those feelings.

JoAnn Crohn (31:58.39)

Or what about the one, this is another common one we hear. And if you’re listening to this and you’re going, yeah, that’s all great, the idea of having time to do something that rejuvenates me, but I’m too busy. I have too many responsibilities within my family. I have too many responsibilities with my kids’ school, with work. We’ll help you set healthy boundaries. Yes. We’ll help you find that time. It’s true. It’s It’s there.

There’s like, so there’s these levels of change. It’s called the change cycle. It was created in 1983 by some researchers. But I mean, right now, if you’re feeling like so overwhelmed, you don’t even know what the problem is probably. You probably think like you have too many responsibilities. have all of that. You’re not quite aware that there’s a problem there. You might think that this is just something that is.

This is how life as a mom is, and this is just something you have to get through it. What I want to tell you is that there is a problem there if you’re overwhelmed and frustrated. And I want to help you move to that next thing of the change cycle where you’re aware of the problem and you also know that there’s a solution to help you through it. Now we talked about a lot of the solutions in this episode right here. Obviously, like if you’ve been listening to No Guilt Mom, you know about balance, you know we have a membership.

But there are hundreds of women in that membership right now working on improving themselves, being the change makers in their family. So we do have a link for you down there if you’re more interested in that. until next time, the best mom’s a happy mom. Take care of you. We’ll talk to you later. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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