Grandma’s Lemon Bars

Every Christmas, my Grandma would make a tin of cookies for every single family in her brood.  These tins would be stuffed with chocolate chip cookies, butterscotch cookies and lemon bars.  I loved all of the cookies, but those lemon bars stand out the most. Tart and sweet, dusted with powdered sugar.  Every bit was delicious and a little messy.  I could never sneak lemon bars from the cookie tin because the tell-tale signs of powdered sugar would always be on my shirt.fork-lemon-barMy Grandma passed away in 2005.  The picture below was taken 3 years prior during a vacation we took in Alaska.  IMG_20141129_0001In memory of her, my aunt made a scrapbook for all of us kids of pictures of my Grandma Ann and few of her recipes.  Thankfully, this lemon bar recipe was on there!  I’ve made these once before, but they didn’t taste right.  So this time, I enlisted the help of my mom who guided me through some of the steps.three-lemon-barsThe secret is the butter in the bottom layer.  I could not figure out how to incorporate the butter with the dry ingredients in my previous attempt… so, I melted it in the microwave.  The resulting crust was heavy.  This time, my mom brought the butter to room temperature and cut it into squares.  I added these squares, a couple at a time, to the flour mixture.  Using a dough blender, I cut the butter in.  The resulting mixture was grainy but compacted nicely when pressed into the pan.lemon-yellowThese lemon bars are buttery and perfect for a Christmas cookie gift.  I now share my Grandma’s recipe for Deluxe Lemon Bars with you!

[yumprint-recipe id=’2′]This post is Day 1 of our Countdown to Christmas. Click below to see more amazing holiday recipes, family tradition, crafts and more.#Countdown2XMAS(3)

JoAnn Crohn

CEO/Founder at No Guilt Mom
JoAnn Crohn, M. Ed is a parenting educator and life coach who helps moms feel confident in raising empowered, self-sufficient kid while pursuing their own goals & passions.

Sheโ€™s an accomplished writer, author, podcast host of the No Guilt Mom podcast, and speaker who appears in national media. Work with her personally in Balance VIP

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  1. I’m sorry to hear about your Grandma. What a wonderful thing your aunt did for you. These lemon bars look absolutely delicious! I’m definitely going to have to try them out! Shared & Pinned!

    1. Thanks for participating Heather! I’m loving it too. Getting to connect with all the other bloggers has been fabulous ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. You have the cutest blog! I love the pink chevron!

    I love lemon bars, but never thought I could make them. They look difficult, but your tutorial makes it sound doable!!

    Thanks so much for sharing the grandma love!!

  3. Lemon bars are wonderful! Your grandmother’s recipe looks delicious. I love the tart and sweet of the lemon and sugar. Thank you for sharing your family recipe.

  4. these sound really yummy and really easy to make.thanks for sharing your story and recipe with us.

  5. It is wonderful that your aunt made the book on your grandmom, it is difficult when someone you love passes, but you have memories and wonderful recipes to remember her by, I think these Lemon bars sounds great and thank you for sharing, looks like you grandmom had a wonderful time on your trip to Alaska

    1. Thank you for your sweet words Dorothy! I love the scrapbook. I take it out every so often and share it with my daughter (who never knew my Grandma.) Thank you so much for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. The lemon bars look delicious… goodness do I need to up my game and bake up a batch on Sunday! Love that you share a scrapbook of your grandmother and her recipes-what a lovely way to remember someone! Thanks for sharing!

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