Podcast Episode 99: How to Get Your Back-to-School Sleep Schedule Going
Does the end of summer vacation have you dreading getting your kids’ back-to-school sleep schedule going again? If you’re anything like us, your kids’ sleep schedule may have gone off the rails this summer. With the start of school rapidly approaching, it’s normal to feel a little panicky at the thought of morning alarms and bedtime battles. But don’t worry! We have the answer to all your back-to-school sleep schedule worries!
We’re thrilled to have sleep expert Nicole Johnson of The Baby Sleep Site joining us on the podcast. As a new parent, Nicole was experiencing many sleepless nights and an infant that refused to sleep. She created The Baby Sleep Site to help sleep-deprived parents struggling with the one-size-fits-all advice found in most books and pediatrician’s offices. Now a mom of teens, Nicole has valuable insight for every age and stage.
If you’ve got questions about getting your kids back on a no-fuss sleep schedule in time for school, you don’t want to miss this episode!

In this episode of the No Guilt Mom Podcast you’ll learn:
- How to adjust your baby and toddler’s sleep schedule if you’re heading back to work
- How to help school-aged kids get back on healthy sleep schedules for back-to-school
- How to identify signs of overtiredness at different ages
- Tips for bedtime when your family is busy with sports and other activities
- When and how kids can take responsibility for their own sleep hygiene
Resources we shared in this episode:
Happy Parent Checklist – This FREE checklist gives you the step-by-step plan to delegate more to your family, feel less overwhelmed and connect in a positive way!
The Baby Sleep Site – Founded in 2008, The Baby Sleep Site® has worked with more parents than anyone else out there, delivering newsletters to 500,000 recipients, and engaging full of sleep tips for babies and toddlers of all different temperaments.
How to Get Back to School Schedule and Maximize Sleep – free “how-to” guide from The Baby Sleep Site on setting your family up for success when it comes to getting back into a sleep schedule for the school year.
The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by William Stixrud PhD & Ned Johnson
Sleeping Through the Night, Revised Edition: How Infants, Toddlers, and Their Parents Can Get a Good Night’s Sleep by Jodi A. Mindell PhD
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker
Download the podcast episode transcripts HERE

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