
Podcast Episode 285: Why Does Summer Make You Cringe? How To Successful Manage Summer as a Mom

Let’s face it, the daily summer hustle for moms is as real as it gets. 

From mastering the art of camp registrations (competing with a thousand other frazzled parents at 12:01 AM sharp) to becoming the ultimate sunscreen patrol officer, our summers are an Olympic sport in multitasking.

And for those moments when it all feels like too much, remember: you’re not alone. Somewhere out there, another mom is laughing at her failed attempt to create a Pinterest-worthy backyard water park. Embrace the imperfection, revel in the chaos, and know that you’re doing an amazing job keeping the summer ship afloat (even if it occasionally feels more like a leaky dinghy).

So, here’s to you, super moms of summer. May your sunscreen be SPF 50, your coffee be strong, and your kids’ boredom-induced creative projects be mildly manageable. Until next time, stay cool, stay sane, and keep on rocking that mom hustle!

Disclaimer: No actual children were harmed in the making of this blog post, but a few homemade slime incidents were mildly traumatizing.

In this episode of the No Guilt Mom podcast you’ll learn:

  • The daily mom hustle is real—from camp registrations to sunscreen patrols, moms manage the minutiae of summer fun.
  • The dilemma many mothers face between career and childcare, especially during these summer months.
  • The idea of stepping back and letting others, like dads, take the reins sometimes, even if it means dealing with a few mishaps.
  • How to set expectations with your kids for a well-balanced summer break. 

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Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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