Podcast Episode 287: Mean People Suck! How to Deal Without Losing Your Cool
Picture this: you’re at the grocery store, minding your business, maybe even humming a little tune. Then, BAM! Out of nowhere, a stranger in the aisle loudly tells their child that they don’t eat the “junk” in this aisle because they care about their health. Seriously? It’s cereal, not a life-altering decision. No matter who you are, how old you are, or where you live, you have to deal with mean people.
Moments like these are prime examples of how mean people often project their insecurities onto you. They’re not attacking your cereal; they’re dealing with their own issues, probably upset they didn’t choose the cocoa puffs.
Let’s get one thing straight: mean people and their rude comments are often a reflection of the commenter’s own insecurities and issues. Yep, it’s not about you. It’s about them. Think of it as their emotional baggage trying to hitch a ride on your sanity. Do you remember that time in middle school when some kid made fun of your haircut, but it turned out they were just jealous of your luscious locks? Classic projection.
In this podcast episode, we’re going to give you five ways you can handle those mean people and send their rude comments packing. Because let’s face it, mean people suck. But with a little humor, kindness, and resilience, we can rise above and keep our cool—one witty comeback at a time.
At the end of the day, mean people suck, but you don’t have to let them ruin your vibe.

In this episode of the No Guilt Mom podcast you’ll learn:
- Understanding that mean comments often stem from others’ insecurities and issues. It’s about them, not you!
- Sharing personal meanie encounters to teach kids the power of resilience and understanding.
- Using humor and kindness to turn a potentially prickly situation into a laugh or a hug!
- Learning when to say how much is too much and putting those limits firmly in place.
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