
No Sew T-Shirt Superhero Cape

Looking for a fun, simple, yet entertainment-filled craft to do with your kiddos? Try these No-Sew T-Shirt Capes.  Literally takes five minutes, but the fun lasts for hours.

Lay your T-Shirt flat on the table. If you have seams on the sides it will be easier, however my shirts did not so I tried my best to make it symmetrical.  If it’s not, no worries.  Just try your best.


Cut along each side of the shirt until you reach the collar.  We will go back and trim later, so don’t worry about making perfect lines.

Cape2 Next, cut around the collar. This is wear your kiddo will wear it so it drapes along their back side.


Now that everything is roughly cut out, go back and trim the sides and the collar so that they are more proportional and do not have jagged lines.


You could be done here, however my superhero’s wanted their initials on their capes so I used this CapeDiamond from Microsoft Word. My boys liked the diamond, but there are many shapes to choose from.  I laid the pattern on extra fabric I had lying around.


I decorated with puffy fabric paint and attached to the t-shirt capes. My boys love them and spend hours playing.  Who knew five minutes and some scrap shirts and fabric could be so fun!



Megan has contributed 51 articles on https://www.noguiltmom.com since July 10, 2014.

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