Soup + Sanity

There’s never enough time. I think that’s the mom’s and teacher’s credo. Often, I try to cram so much into a day and multi-task every step of the way. I fold laundry while singing “Old McDonald” to entertain my one-year old. I check email next to my daughter as she does her homework. I prepare for an afternoon lesson when I’m eating my lunch.
I’m not the type to wolf down a cold turkey sandwich in the name of convenience. I need to anticipate and enjoy every meal to keep myself a happy person. When I’m substitute teaching, I have approximately “40” minutes to get lunch. I use quotations because that’s not entirely true. I usually have some kids stay in to finish homework, I have to run to the office to check up on a student, I have to use the bathroom and then make sure I’m prepared to teach the afternoon lesson. That leaves about 15 minutes for lunch. I always pack my lunch which helps me keep my sanity.
The same is true of when I’m an at-home mom. I get five or ten minutes alone. After that, my son Dude will cling onto my legs and cry at me to pick him up. My lunches have to be fast wherever I am.
Last week, we picked up Campbell’s Slow Kettle Soup at Walmart. Dude, the always enthusiastic eater, was eager to try some before we left the store.
These soups are such an easy solution to my problem of wanting to eat good food but not having much time. I packed the Tuscan Style Chicken and White Bean for a substitute teaching assignment that I had last week along with a Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Sandwich.
For the sandwich, I bought a whole wheat panini roll from the bakery case and layered on fresh tomato, mozzarella, basil as well as a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. The soup has a restaurant style taste and the whole meal was reminiscent of eating in my favorite cafe in Gilbert. Campbell’s Slow Kettle soup is best heated on a stove, however it can also be heated in a microwave which is what I did. The Tuscan Style Chicken and White Bean Soup had large and tender chunks of chicken along with robust pieces of carrot and white beans. The entire meal was incredibly filling and allowed me to eat and prepare for the afternoon lesson at the same time.
The following day, I played my stay-at-home mom role and prepared a quick lunch for my son and myself. We had the Portobello Mushroom and Madeira Bisque with a whole wheat sandwich topped with herbed goat cheese, spinach and tomatoes. For the herbed goat cheese, I simply chopped up a little fresh oregano and combined it with plain goat cheese. Dude was a big fan of the soup more so than the sandwich.
He needed a midday bath after this lunch. But he was so happy, I would do it again. In fact, I did do it again with the Tomato and Sweet Basil Bisque. I was just better prepared.
What a great reminder to eat lunch! Your son is adorable! #client