Podcast Episode 107: Why You Need to Stop Using Behavior Charts Right Now!
Oh the good old behavior chart! Full of promise, hope, and stickers! I remember using those whole potty training both my kids. While it worked great for a few days, it always seemed to cause a headache when my kids wanted the reward without completing the chart or when it took bigger and better things to coax them along. But did I really teach my kids anything other than “do what mommy asks and you’ll get a reward”? I don’t think so. I actually stopped using behavior charts years ago.
Sure, behavior charts might help with one or two challenging behaviors, but it does little to teach and change kids behaviors in the long run. There are better and much more effective ways to manage the whining, fighting, talking back, and everything else. Listen to this podcast episode and we’ll explain why you need to stop using behavior charts right now!

In this episode of the No Guilt Mom podcast you’ll learn:
- 3 reasons behaviors charts don’t work in the long run
- What kids are actually learning from behavior charts
- 5 things you can do instead of behavior charts that will give your kids much-needed life skills
Resources We Shared In This Episode:
Calm & Happy Parenting Time to get your kids to listen and help out more without the fighting! This is your complete solution to shift the responsibility of “doing everything for everyone” to your family and to give you the kind of relationship you want with your kids and the entire family!
Happy Parent Checklist – This FREE checklist gives you the step-by-step plan to delegate more to your family, feel less overwhelmed and connect in a positive way!
Shameless Mom Podcast– Join Sara every Monday and Wednesday as she and her notable guests dig deep into topics like creating the confidence you crave; turn your struggles into strengths, building better boundaries, and tuning into tiny habits that can change your life.
No Guilt Mom YouTube Channel Check us out and subscribe to be notified every time we have new videos added for parents and kids!

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