
Podcast Episode 89: Why We Absolutely Need Mom Friends

Podcast Episode 89: Why We Absolutely Need Mom Friends

You’ve heard us talk about “back in times of B.C.” (Before Children) and how life worked differently then. One of those things that worked differently were friendships (for many of us). We had school, or work, or outside hobbies where we could meet people with similar interests. But when you become a mom, some of us are cut off from those outside things and we struggle trying to make those friendships going forward. And the truth is that mom friends are absolutely essential to your journey through parenthood!

Well, no need to fear, we’ve got 3 tips on how to make (and keep) those mommy friendships going strong!

Podcast Episode 83: Helping Kids Make and Keep Friends
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Podcast Episode 83: Helping Kids Make and Keep Friends

Kids often don’t understand all the ins and outs of social relationships and friendships. And if your kids are quiet, shy, or have difficulties understanding social norms, friendships can be a HUGE challenge for them. The book Me & My Friendships was written specifically for kids ages 6-10 years old and is as easy and fun read! Kids will learn everything they need to know to make and keep friends, which is essential for social emotional development!