mental health

Podcast Episode 211: How Showing Yourself a Little Self-Compassion Will Benefit Your Entire Family (Especially Your Kids) with Dr. Kristin Neff

Podcast Episode 211: How Showing Yourself a Little Self-Compassion Will Benefit Your Entire Family (Especially Your Kids) with Dr. Kristin Neff

Do you struggle with self-compassion? As women, speaking negatively to ourselves is a bad habit. We’re going to show you how a little self-compassion will go a very long way both for your own mental health and for your entire family!

Podcast Episode 206: Raising Resilient Kids: Fostering Exploration and Happiness with Stephanie Malia Krauss
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Podcast Episode 206: Raising Resilient Kids: Fostering Exploration and Happiness with Stephanie Malia Krauss

Do you feel like you struggle to help your kids find their own interests? Are you worried that your kids aren’t learning how to be resilient? Or maybe you want to start providing more opportunities for your kids to explore new things…eitherway, this episode is for you!

Podcast episode 203: 4 Big Lies You Probably Believe (& they’re making you miserable)

Podcast episode 203: 4 Big Lies You Probably Believe (& they’re making you miserable)

Do you have a million reasons why you can’t do the things that you want to? Do you believe that you don’t have the time, the resources, or the experience to do something that you want to? We are here to tell you why you need to stop telling yourself those lies and what you can do to overcome them and start pursuing everything you’ve ever wanted to…now!

Podcast Episode 200: 6 Invisible Tasks that Add to Your Mental Load
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Podcast Episode 200: 6 Invisible Tasks that Add to Your Mental Load

Does it feel like the mental load of motherhood breaking you? If you’ve ever felt close to a breaking point, you’re not alone! Motherhood often dictates the role of being our children’s counselor in relationships and emotions, absorbing their feelings and challenges. We’re shedding light on six hidden tasks that might be adding to your mental load and pushing you to the edge.