
Podcast Episode 267: What Parenting Style Is Best? A Real Life Case Study Transcripts

Please note: Transcripts for the No Guilt Mom Podcast were created using AI. As a result, there may be some minor errors.

Brie Tucker: this whole “my way or the highway” does not equal respect and that does not often help a child feel loved or supportive, especially if a child has any hint of mental health issues can make it exasperated.

JoAnn Crohn: Welcome to the No Guilt Mom podcast. I’m your host, JoAnn Crohn joined here by my delightful co host Brie Tucker.

Brie Tucker: Why hello, hello everybody, how are you? Oh,

JoAnn Crohn: We have a really, really good episode for you today. It is a personal episode, of something that’s happening in Brie’s life, uh, and with her child that she has gotten. Express permission to share this information with you from her child. and there’s a lot of hesitation to going into the story, right? Brie and telling the story. Yeah.

Brie Tucker: So First of all, it blows my mind that people listen to the podcast. So there’s that for starters that I’m always like trying to think about like, what is sharing a good amount of our parenting experiences and our lives and what is sometimes a bit too much. So if people have been listening to the podcast for a while, you know, that I’m divorced.

I have two kids, they’re teens, and that I do shared custody of my kids with my ex and that. He’s different. He parents differently than I do and that has been a struggle in my parenting life Since we were married.

JoAnn Crohn: Yes. I mean, when we talk about parenting styles on the podcast, it is two very, very different parenting styles. Yours is more authoritative, which is the parenting style we teach in our balance program where you do have expectations, but it’s also very high in love and caring. And from what you’ve told me about his parenting style, his is authoritarian, where it’s basically my way or the highway. What I see. It’s high on rules and really low on compassion and that sort of love and support. Would you say that was right?

Brie Tucker: Oh Yeah, and I think that my kids would say the same thing which is what we’re going to be sharing today Like I’m all nervous. My palms are all sweaty

JoAnn Crohn: uh, I can tell when you’re really nervous if your neck starts getting red. And like,

Brie Tucker: It’s not red yet.

JoAnn Crohn: no, it’s not red yet. It’s not red

Brie Tucker: I’m keeping it and it gets, I haven’t turned into hyper color speed yet, but I will, I’ll turn into hyper color eventually. But yeah, it’s, it’s always hard for me because, you know, we talked about this before, like when I was like, I want to do this episode because I think it is really important for people to understand, like, I really, that I, I swear to God, I’m living through a research project. of what happens when you have one type of parenting versus a different type of parenting. And at the same time, it’s also like, I don’t know. I don’t know how to, like, it’s, it’s a fear. It’s a

JoAnn Crohn: very personal.

Brie Tucker: It’s a fear of like, what’s the feedback going to be from people about this?

JoAnn Crohn: Oh yeah, because people on the internet can be really harsh. They can go right into your parenting and be like, how dare you? How dare you like, don’t go along with the child’s father? And that’s like all very antiquated beliefs about like, what’s best for kids. And like, also an antiquated belief about the father being the head of the household, which is just kind of like, Bullshit.

Like, it is like, we’re in an age now where it is an equal partnership in the home. And I mean, there is a reason that you two are divorced because there was a lot of misalignments there in like, in like logic and reasoning and um, like values and we’re going to, we’re going to get into it and you’re going to hear the whole story about a cautionary tale of two parenting styles. Let’s get on with the show.

Okay. So let’s start from the beginning because when you were telling me earlier, you and your ex husband have always had these different parenting styles. Like how did they show up when the kids were younger?

Brie Tucker: I think when the kids were younger, we. We both kind of had like a similar, well, okay, well, let me back this up. it was always deferred to me for parenting because I worked in the field of early childhood. it was always clear from the beginning that I was going to be like the default parent, that it was going to be mainly up to me and that I brought him in as needed and that, you know, he was, he was fun, dad, like, you know, playing and hanging out and all that stuff.

And we had expectations of how our kids would behave, like not screaming, yelling, throwing tantrums. I felt like that wouldn’t happen because I would like, you know, work on asking them about their feelings and expressing things. And he felt like that would happen because he would tell them, don’t do it, you know? And that’s, so that’s probably when things started to get like a little bit, a little bit harder. And,

JoAnn Crohn: Do you feel like maybe he thought that like his method was working, but he didn’t realize how much effort you’re putting in behind the scenes

Brie Tucker: oh yes,

JoAnn Crohn: and everything.

Brie Tucker: I totally do because again, like when we shooting forward to when we got divorced and when we got divorced, my kids were nine and, uh, 11, like my son had just turned, or maybe it was, yeah, I think it was like nine and 11. he went full fledged into his more, you know, do as I say. Kind of parenting realm and it was that way with everything It was do as I say to like to me.

So it was it was hard and And it was hard on the kids too because they would come back and my household was just completely Different and the way that I read it. So there would be like adjustment time

JoAnn Crohn: yeah, there’d be adjustment time. Like, so how, how did the kids initially react to that? Like, what did you see in terms of the adjustment time? What did they need coming back to your house? Mhm.

Brie Tucker: quiet and chill and not go do anything and just You Kind of rest and recoup is what I would say and when we got divorced I knew it was going to be hard on the kids because I it was like it was a very quick thing and And I we didn’t fight in front of our kids ever So I knew our kids would have a really hard time understanding why we were getting divorced Like why and we separated quickly like within like a week It was like separate homes so they had therapy right off the bat.

So they would, uh, they would also like, I had them go into therapy just to have somebody to talk to that wasn’t related to either of us so that they could like, talk about their feelings and everything.

JoAnn Crohn: And it’s also hard because I feel like, like knowing you, knowing and seeing you going through this, you couldn’t actually address the issue with them because there was a lot of fear. Like when you divorce, you’re not supposed to disparage dad in any sort of way or talk badly about anything that goes on in his home or like go against him again.

Brie Tucker: not supposed to ask like too many, you’re not supposed to make the kids feel like they’re picking a side. Um, you’re not supposed to make them feel like they’re ever like, even asking them like, what did you do at dad’s house this week? Can make them feel like they’re spying.

And so like, it’s a very fine line to walk and then you don’t ever want to step into the area where you’re saying something negative about the other parent, where you move into something called parent alienation, where you’re like, tainting the child’s opinion of the other parent.

but from early on, it was the kids would like, call me crying from their dad’s house about something that happened. Normally it was just that they were, they had gotten yelled at and that they had been like sent to their room or something and, and so like calling me about them. Being yelled at and, and being upset. And so I would kind of like try to like help them like calm down and encourage them to talk to their dad. And then in therapy, it was a, one of their goals was always to be able to talk to their dad because you know, dad’s he’s louder, he’s bigger. He’s, he’s got more of a do it my way or no way kind of attitude than mom did.

So it wasn’t as easy to speak to him. So I, so they had therapy goals all the time. And it was interesting because I had no part in what their therapy goals were. It was always whatever the therapist created from, from having spoken to them and their goals had always been to be able to talk to their dad. And then again, over time, like it turned into, we’re going to stop doing therapy on weeks that were with dad. And we’re going to only do Therapeutic Weeks that they’re with you, Mom. And I’m like, well, why is that? Well,

JoAnn Crohn: who decided that?

Brie Tucker: The therapist,

JoAnn Crohn: Okay,

Brie Tucker: it happened with three different therapists.

JoAnn Crohn: that’s a lot. That’s a pattern.

Brie Tucker: over the, over the course of a few years of them being in therapy for various, uh, things they, it would turn into like, we’re going to just continue it with you, mom.

And I’m like, well, why? And they’re like, because first of all, dad’s very combative when he comes in. And second of all, the kids don’t talk as much on the weeks that they’re with dad versus the weeks that they’re with you. We get a lot more out of a session. So it just doesn’t make sense to have them come in. so that is like the course of where things have been since they were like nine and 11. Flash forward now they’re 17 and 15, almost 16.

JoAnn Crohn: And something big happened that you then had to address and we’re going to talk about that right after this.

so something big happened, like it was almost like everything was kind of boiling up to, uh, a big event based on, you know, them trying to keep having these conversations with dad, not being able to have them fast forward to just a few months ago and what happened. Uh

Brie Tucker: Well, what happened was, um, my daughter, so our youngest, who’s 15 decided that she was ready to have a conversation with her dad. About the fact that she felt, um, how do I put this? Like unsupported in his home. She felt like they had. Expressed to her on a regular basis that they felt like she was, , not a good kid that they constantly told her that she needed more God in her life and that, she, they would, she’s been called names. She’s

JoAnn Crohn: Uh huh.

Brie Tucker: Uh, called curse words over there. Like, I’m not gonna like, yeah, like things that, that a kid should not be told, like wearing a skirt. Oh, you look slutty today. Like, it just things that, that a kid should not hear from their parents under any circumstances. And so she. Had a friend who recently had a conversation with her dad because she was, uh, her other friend who we both know was feeling, very anxious and uncomfortable at her dad’s house.

So that friend had been in therapy for awhile. And with the help of the therapist was like, I’m going to talk to my dad. I’m going to say like, Hey, look, I think I need to be in a, in an environment with my mom where I feel, less anxious, less stressed out. And then I want to work on my relationship with you. Seeing that happen. And the fact that that, that that relationship that that dad was working on his relationship with her friend made her have the courage, I think, that plus her therapist telling her like, Hey, it’s not, it’s like, she had to have her therapist, like, she would tell her therapist what was happening at her dad’s house and the therapist would be like, Yeah, that doesn’t, that doesn’t seem like what a typical parent child relationship should be like.

You really shouldn’t be being told these things and, you know, how does that make you feel? And so she was dealing with a lot of anxiety, a lot of anxiety, and, she has a history of depression as well. And even some self harming. So due to all of that, the therapist was like, I really think that, you know, you should talk to your dad and let him know that you’re feeling very anxious at his home and that you would like to, have him put forth a little bit more effort to be not as harsh.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah.

Brie Tucker: And if not, then you would, then you’d like to spend some more time at your mom’s house where you do feel supported. You do feel less anxious. You do feel. So,

JoAnn Crohn: did you feel going into this, like, knowing that this conversation was going to happen soon?

Brie Tucker: so anxious! Like, on one hand, incredibly proud of my daughter. She is 15, and that is a scary conversation for anyone to have.

JoAnn Crohn: Yes.

Brie Tucker: Especially, like, with your parent. You’re having this conversation, and you are looking at your parent, and basically saying, Do you love me enough to work on our relationship?

JoAnn Crohn: That, that’s a huge thing for a kid to approach.

Brie Tucker: Right. That’s a big thing for me to approach as an adult. Like you don’t know what that answer is going to come back as, and she knew full well that there is a good chance that answer was going to come back as a no.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm hmm. Mm

Brie Tucker: So, so I was nervous for her and really proud of her. And I was also nervous for myself because we have a very set life. Like we’ve been divorced for a long time, week on week off, half the time with their dad, half the time with me. And if, if this changed, then she’s going to be here all the time, which changes a lot of things in the dynamic.

And I also want her to feel loved by her dad. I want her to have a good relationship with her dad. And, you know, I was worried this was going to mess that all up. But sometimes, like you’ve said before, things have to be scary and have to be messy. get to the better part, and I think things got to the point where it was just, it wasn’t a safe environment for her anymore.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm

Brie Tucker: She was really upset, really unhappy, constantly trying to like, find reasons why she could come and stay here. so,

JoAnn Crohn: knew she had to address the situation at that point

Brie Tucker: she did, she did,

JoAnn Crohn: Had to address it

Brie Tucker: and I love how it came about.

JoAnn Crohn: so tell us that how did it come about?

Brie Tucker: So we, you, I, and Christina are on a business trip in Nashville. So, we, And we’re at a, uh, we’re at mom 2. 0 fun, fun event. Great event for, for mom entrepreneurs and. Yep, and they have a kickoff party the first night, like there was a cover band playing Dolly Parton, like we were having, and all of a sudden my

JoAnn Crohn: were in sparkles we were in twins and like it was great

Brie Tucker: Yes! Yes! And my phone rings, and it’s my daughter, and she’s like, I’m in the bathroom of a restaurant, uh, dad took me out to dinner, and I told him. And I’m like, told him what? She’s like, I told him that, I don’t feel like safe and supported and that if you can’t be nicer that I want to come live with you and he told me that I can’t, that’s not an option.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh my gosh, well great good for her who just lay it out there like that and also like you were like

Brie Tucker: I can’t be there to support you. I can’t come pick you up if your dad says to come over to my house. Like, I can’t. And I also had like no signal. So she couldn’t hear me and I could barely hear her. Yeah, it was, it was not, it was not a great time. No, it, it made it hard. Uh, so the best advice I could give her was, listen, you’re clearly upset about this conversation.

Your dad. It might feel like side, you know, sidelined by this. So like, why don’t you suggest you guys do a therapy session with your therapist and your therapist will be there. And she is a non partial person. Like she can, she can help support and help articulate the things you’ve told her. And she can help facilitate that conversation in a less scary way.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. Which is a great way, like I think that this whole story, Brie is just such a good example about how to navigate this really tricky like kind of middle part you’re in because you’re trying to protect your daughter, you’re trying to advocate for your daughter, but you also like don’t wanna get into it with your ex-husband and you’re being respectful to him as well.

So you have such a hard job here where like you are in the middle. Of this. And I think like the way like you handle, you’re handling it is quite incredible. So I don’t think you give yourself enough credit for that.

Brie Tucker: Oh, thanks. It does

JoAnn Crohn: Oh,

Brie Tucker: It sucks

JoAnn Crohn: does suck. It sucks terribly.

Brie Tucker: cause you feel like you don’t have any, there’s no right answer because we won’t know the right answer until 10 years from now.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. There’s no right answer. So she called you from a bathroom in Nashville. You couldn’t do anything. Uh, obviously it had to wait until you got back. So what happened when you got back?

Brie Tucker: so when I got back, uh, they had their therapy session. And that was a doozy. That was a real doozy. So, uh,

JoAnn Crohn: Let’s talk about that therapy session right after this. So the therapy session, you and not you, actually, it’s just your daughter and your ex husband sit down for the therapy session, which you’ve told us

Brie Tucker: and her step mom,

JoAnn Crohn: and her step mom, and it. Yes, and it was a doozy. So tell us about this one.

Brie Tucker: So she is like nauseous, sick to her stomach. She’s like, mom, I don’t want to go. I know I said I wanted to go to therapy, but I don’t think I want to go to therapy now. And I’m like, listen, this is my favorite thing. I’m like, It’s just like throwing up. Nobody wants to do it. But once it’s done, you’ll feel better.

Just go to your session. And if you ever feel like it’s too much, you turn and you look straight at your therapist and you tell her this is too much. I want us to stop. Or if you ever feel like you don’t know what to say, you just turn and you look at your therapist, like you don’t have to engage your dad or your stepmom in this situation if it’s too much.

So I drop her off because I don’t go into these sessions because this is between them and I do feel like my ex has some anger towards me and I feel like that it can cloud things sometimes. So,

JoAnn Crohn: And she’s living with, and she’s staying with you at this point.

Brie Tucker: yeah,

JoAnn Crohn: came with you after Nashville and she hasn’t yet gone back to her dad’s.

Brie Tucker: yes, but that was because it was just my week. So that’s how that worked out. It was just because it was my week. So, um, so she goes into her therapy session and it goes terribly, awfully, So the therapist says, okay, stop. This is not good for anybody. I think that everybody needs a break from each other for a week.

So I think that, you know, your daughter needs to spend another week with her mom and not have your visitation for this week. And my ex is like, fine. Fine. So, then they, and then the therapist is like, and I’m going to schedule another session with just the two of you, just my ex and his, and his girlfriend.

So that way, they could talk to the therapist without my daughter being there. And so that weekend comes and she’s with me and it was prom and she happened to go to prom that weekend. And, long story short. Her dad got upset that she went to prom and felt like she made this whole thing up just so that she could go to prom. And we’re like, wait a

JoAnn Crohn: so out of left field.

Brie Tucker: Yeah. She didn’t even ask to come stay at my house. That was something that was done by the therapist. and then she wrote an email to her therapist saying like, Hey, I think that, my dad’s going to be really mad at the session with you on Monday because he, he was mad that I went to prom.

And then her dad texts me a screenshot of like, what is this about of the email she wrote to her therapist? And I’m like, why are you reading her private emails to her therapist? And he’s like, this is what parenting is called. And

JoAnn Crohn: No, it’s not. No.

Brie Tucker: And I’m like, I’m all for monitoring, but reading a private email to her therapist is like an invasion of privacy. I’m sorry. That is a bit much. Like that

JoAnn Crohn: when the conflict involves you, like involves like him, like the conflict involves him and he is reading these private emails between your daughter and this person who is mediating the conflict between him and your daughter. It just doesn’t, it, it, it reeks of ickiness.

Brie Tucker: and the whole time he’s arguing that, like, I parent her, you don’t, you just, she just wants to come live at your house because you’re, you just want to be her friend, you don’t want to actually be her parent, and I’m

JoAnn Crohn: And I think that that is so true. Such a common misconception about people who embrace this authoritarian style. They think it’s like not parenting. If you show your kids love and support and try to like, get their life going in a direction that the kid wants their life to go in, it just like boggles my mind, but I think like anyone listening right now who gets that.

That kind of pushback from either an ex or from their current partner. Just know, like, it just doesn’t make logical sense for your relationship with your children in the longterm. And I think we, we see that actually coming out now,

Brie Tucker: yeah, so now at this, yeah, at this point in time as we’re recording this, this has been, Over a month that this has been going on, hasn’t gone back to her dad’s house. he has, just this weekend, so, uh, three and a half weeks, or maybe four weeks at that point, of him

JoAnn Crohn: wait, let’s, yeah, let’s back

Brie Tucker: Yeah, you know where I’m

JoAnn Crohn: that email. No. Yeah. Cause the email happened and then what happened after he like confronted you about this email he found.

Brie Tucker: well, then he had to go to his session, him and his girlfriend had to go to the session with the therapist and the therapist said that they were super pissed. They wouldn’t listen to anything that the therapist had to say, and they kept saying that she just concocted this whole thing. So she could go to prom and the therapist is like, okay, again.

I can guarantee you that’s not it, because I was the one who said she needed to go to her mom’s house, and we’ve been talking about this since December. So, I don’t Prom was a thought back in December. I really don’t. Like, she’s been seeing me since December, and this has been a conversation. So then it was decided that there would be a, a one on one session because, cause dad kept arguing, this isn’t about me.

This is about the fact that mom’s too easy and plus she had, my daughter has an issue with her, her step mom. It’s not me at all. And it’s like, oh, but it is though. See, cause it’s about how like step mom might say some really mean things and you don’t, you don’t. Do anything about it. Yeah. and that’s what she’s been asking for from you is for you to support her and for you to show that you love her and to like, say nice things and don’t let people say mean things about her.

and so they had a session, just my daughter and her dad again, last week. And in the session, actually I guess it was over a week ago. Anyways, uh, really mad again. still saying that this was all being made up, didn’t see any reason to continue this, uh, to continue having a conversation about it, and that absolutely positively refused for her to spend time at my house, that was outside of my visitation, unto

JoAnn Crohn: It’s a lot.

Brie Tucker: unto which we had to point out that her doctor, her therapist, and I agreed with the two of their professional opinions, that it was unsafe for her to return to her dad’s house.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm hmm. Because of her history that you mentioned earlier.

Brie Tucker: and that she was super anxious and scared about what was going to happen if she went back there,

JoAnn Crohn: Mm

Brie Tucker: what, uh, she would be faced with, would she be punished? Would she be yelled at? Would she be called terrible names? Would she, you know, emotional abuse? Like what was going to happen? and since she’s been at my house, her grades have gone up. She’s been like working full time and doing well. Um, her anxiety. With the aside from what’s going on with her dad has gone down.

So, like, it’s, it’s a better environment. Um, and so, now, like I said, this whole process has been going on for four weeks. And, and four weeks outside of therapy, her dad has not spoken to her once.

JoAnn Crohn: That’s

Brie Tucker: Hasn’t called her once to check in on her. Hasn’t, um, said anything to her. Hasn’t texted her.

JoAnn Crohn: He’s just so in the belief that he is right and she is wrong, and he is not considering her side of it.

Brie Tucker: yeah, and I, and I know from having been married to this person that they very much enjoy the whole silence treatment to people when they feel like they’ve been wronged. And I’m like, she is, and, and it comes back to the whole, like, you are an adult, she is 15.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm

Brie Tucker: And I, and I hate seeing it, like, she puts up these walls, she doesn’t let people hug her, she, you know, refuses to cry. Like, just, she tries to be so tough because she knows that. Emotions are a sign of weakness

JoAnn Crohn: That’s what

Brie Tucker: in that household, and it’s so hard to see a 15 year old try to hold that all together all the time, aside from the fact that it’s a 15 year old that has anxiety and depression.

JoAnn Crohn: Mm hmm.

Brie Tucker: So, so now we’re at this point where she has said that she has no desire to go back to her dad’s like, she doesn’t even know if she wants to work on it anymore because every time she tries to work on it with him, she leaves crying and feeling worse about herself.

And he. has yet to say even that he’s willing to work on it or that he thinks that she’s worth working on it. So like, essentially, like she told him, like, I want to work on a relationship and he has done nothing to do that. Like, like when they left their last therapy session where it was said that she was going to come stay with me, I told him that I would do everything I could to support them seeing each other.

And I was like, so that means like, You guys text each other and set up dinner, set up, going to the movies, set up, going to get a coffee, whatever it is, like come up with stuff. And I will rearrange my schedule as best I possibly can to take her there every time you want to, every time you guys make this going.

And it’s been, it’s coming up on the second week now and has yet to text her to set up a time or anything. And she even like, took off from work. Like she like took off Sundays so that they could hang out and he hasn’t done anything.

JoAnn Crohn: Oh, that sucks. That sucks.

Brie Tucker: yeah, go

JoAnn Crohn: It just sucks all around.

Brie Tucker: sucks all around. I mean, you’ve known her since she was five

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah.

Brie Tucker: and it sucks to see nobody should, should have to be in a position where they have to ask their parent to protect them and love them

JoAnn Crohn: Mm

Brie Tucker: and then have them not answer.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. Bye bye. Unfortunately, like many kids are in that position and like you mentioned before that you feel like you’re in a research experiment with like, here’s what authoritative parenting looks like. Here’s what authoritarian parent looks like. And here’s the results that happen once kids are old enough to have their own agency and decisions about things.

Because when she was younger, she really didn’t have any control over the situation. And now that she is older. She definitely has more of a say, which I think is what we, we talk about a lot happening. Like we’re playing the long game with our kids and if we’re not interested in them or respectful of that, they’re going to push us away. Hardcore. They’re not going to feel like they need to stay by us when they get older and they can make their own decisions and they can go out on their own.

Brie Tucker: Right. These are the, these are the examples of I’m going to just move out the day I turn 18 and go do whatever I want to do. Like I know so much more about her life than her dad does she lets me in and she tells me about it because she knows that I will listen and it doesn’t mean I agree with everything and she knows it.

She will tell you that we disagree on a lot of things and I can disagree with her, her choices and what she does. And if it’s something that’s dangerous. Then yeah, we don’t do it. But if it’s something that I’m like, well, this is going to end badly, but no one’s going to be killed and nothing’s going to be burnt down.

So let’s just see how this turns out. Like she knows that I’m there and I have her back and I will be there to support her no matter what. And that is what she has said that she needs. So like she has proven that. My way or the highway just makes her try to be more, uh, deceptive and not say things, um, makes it so that she doesn’t want to spend time with them like right now, right now, as we’re recording this, and this is a month into this, and, and this is a month into the, like, Heading it off.

Like I said, this like, well, like we talked about from this episode, this has been going on for years. She says that she has no desire to go back at all. I’m hoping that that changes. I’m hoping that, that her dad continues with therapy with her. He softens up a bit so that they can continue to do therapy. I hope that he reaches out. I hope that they continue to connect. And I hope that she doesn’t lose her dad.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah. So, like, Brie, what, what do you hope people take out of this story and out of this episode? Because first of all, I have to thank your daughter for allowing you to share this story with people. Because it is so helpful to hear what actually goes on in homes. because it makes, first of all, people feel less alone.

Thank you. You’re welcome. Um, because there’s probably something in this story and situation that everyone could like find little pieces in. and also like, it’s so great to share your own story because people can learn from it and people can decide what their future actions are. So like, what, what do you want people to walk away with, from this.

Brie Tucker: you’re listening to them, you’re asking questions, you’re showing them that. You believe that they can make choices and that sometimes they’re going to work out great.

Sometimes they’re not like whatever, just being supportive of them. this authoritative method of parenting is like much more helpful in the long run and that the kids do appreciate it. They really do. I have seen my, my daughter like grow and flourish so much under this.

Like being able to be more independent and, and to ask for things. Like I can’t even imagine being her age and having the kind of tough conversations she’s having, but she’s having them because She knows that I believe in her and that she can do it and that she’s got a supportive parent there with her and that this whole my way or the highway does not equal respect and that does not often help a child feel loved or supportive, especially if a child has any hint of mental health issues can make it exasperated so much worse than it is.

JoAnn Crohn: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. She knows that you have her back. So she’s more willing to take risks because she has a safe spot to land. It’s what like they say all the time and you see evidence of it here. So we hope that this episode brought you a bit of clarity of any situations you may be going through.

And maybe, you know, someone going through a situation like that, or maybe you see your kids struggling as well. So share this. Please with anyone that you think needs it and needs to hear this story. And until next time, remember the best mom is a happy mom. Take care of you. And we’ll talk with you later.

Brie Tucker: Thanks for stopping by. 

Brie Tucker

COO/ Podcast Producer at No Guilt Mom
Brie Tucker has over 20 years of experience coaching parents with a background in early childhood and special needs. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central Missouri and is certified in Positive Discipline as well as a Happiest Baby Educator.

She’s a divorced mom to two teenagers.

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