What To Do After Yelling at Your Child

We’ve all done it. It’s been a long day.
You haven’t peed by yourself in weeks,
the dog just threw up all over the carpet,
and now the kids are in a screaming match over who controlled the TV remote last time.
You can’t take it anymore. You LOSE it!
You yell even louder than the kids and threaten to take away all TV rights for the foreseeable future.
Almost immediately, you feel awful. You feel like you totally failed.
READ: 4 Steps to NOT Lose Your Cool as a Mom
What is there to do now?
We’re here to tell you it’s okay. We all yell sometimes. It’s what we do after yelling at your kids that makes the difference.
In this podcast, we discuss what can make us lose our cool and what we can do to repair things once we’ve yelled and immediately regretted it.
READ: Feeling exhausted as a mom? You might have Mommy Burnout
Resources We Shared:
No Guilt Mom (JoAnn’s Birthday Week)
The best mom is a happy mom. To better take care of you, download our No Guilt Mom mindset here . These reminders will help you second guess less, and feel more confidence every day in your parenting.